Change player tasks functionality
Adjustments for the player task functionality:
All the tasks are shared across clan members.
The clan member can reserve any task to do for a 20 min, and nobody else can to do this task.
There can be same type of tasks for the clan, no need to make them unique.
There should be endpoint to get task data by its _id
The tasks are generated by the A…
Adjustments for the player task functionality:
All the tasks are shared across clan members.
The clan member can reserve any task to do for a 20 min, and nobody else can to do this task.
There can be same type of tasks for the clan, no need to make them unique.
There should be endpoint to get task data by its _id
The tasks are generated by the API, and should be random. The only fixed thing is the type of task, which is already defined. The example of generated task:
Play 10 games. (where number of games is randomly generated).
There is a limit of how much points the clan cen get, which is a 10000 => there is a limit of how much tasks can be generated. So if the clan already has 10000 tasks, no more new tasks should be generated.
Player should be able to remove the task by its _id and some another task instead need to be generated.
When the task has been completed, a new task is generated for the clan.
In the clan should be constantly available 20 tasks to do.
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