A Python package for aggregating community-level census data
该包基于美国统计局发布的社区级数据API 美国社区调查(ACS), 郡商业模式(CBP)及邮政编码区域商业模式(ZCBP).
ACS API基于美国邮政编码表数据集区(ZCTA)而其余API基于美国邮政服务5位数邮政编码(ZIP Codes) (二者差异)
This library provides a Python interface for the American Community Survey (ACS), County Business Patterns (CBP) and ZIP Codes Business Patterns (ZBP).
ACS API data are reported on ZIP Code Tabulation Areas(ZCTA) level while others are reported on United States Postal Service ZIP Code level (the difference between ZIP Codes and ZCTAs)
The package allows users to get data from API and provides some tools for converting the report level.
适用于Python 3.9版本以上,安装语句:
It works with Python versions from 3.9+. You can install using:
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ community-ry2403
poetry add --dev pytest
poetry run pytest
from community_ry2403.community_ry2403 import variables
#Initialize the class variables
f = variables()
f.find_variable(keyword='total households by marry')
from community_ry2403.community_ry2403 import get_code
from community_ry2403.community_ry2403 import census_data
from community_ry2403.community_ry2403 import business_data
from community_ry2403.community_ry2403 import search
# Initialize the api
api = search()
api.census(area_code=['10025','10036'],geography='zip',year=2019, variable=v)
- 若数据汇总单位为ZCTA,保留原值。
- 若数据汇总单位为ZIP Codes,
- 对于百分比数据,使用对应ZCTA区域的原值,
- 对于绝对值数据,使用对应ZCTA区域数据的平均值作为估计。
- 若数据汇总单位为ZIP Codes,保留原值。
- 若数据汇总单位为ZCTA,
- 对于百分比数据,使用对应ZIP Code区域数据的平均值作为估计。
- 对于绝对值数据,使用对应ZIP Code区域数据之和作为估计。
How to convert?
For census data (from ACS)
- If report level is ZCTA, keep the original value.
- If report level is ZIP,
- for percent data, use the original value within the correspondent ZCTA area,
- for absolute number, use the mean estimate within correspondent ZCTA area.
For business data (from CBP,ZCBP)
- If report level is ZIP, keep the original value.
- If report level is ZCTA,
- for percent data, use the mean estimate within the correspondent ZIP areas,
- for absolute number, use the sum estimate within correspondent ZIP areas.