A modern web application that integrates a conversational AI chatbot with real-time user interactions and smooth animations. Built using React, Framer Motion, Lucide Icons, and ShadCN Components on Frontend and FastApi on backend.
- Conversational AI Chatbot: Engage with an AI chatbot that can answer user queries in real-time.
- Animated Message Flow: Smooth animations using Framer Motion to provide a modern user experience.
- User Message Input: Simple input field for sending messages with an
key or button click. - AI Response Handling: AI answers user queries through an external API.
- Lucide Icons Integration: Modern icons for a clean and functional UI.
- ShadCN Components: Highly customizable and reusable UI components for a consistent interface.
- Frontend:
- React (Next.js)
- Framer Motion
- Axios (for API requests)
- Lucide Icons
- ShadCN UI components
- Tailwind CSS
- Backend:
- Fastapi (API for chatbot)
- GROQ API for inference
git clone https://github.com/Amanbig/medical_chat_bot.git
cd medical_chat_bot
npm install
python -m venv venv
venv/Scripts/activate #source venv/bin/activate in linux
npm run dev
"fastapi-dev": "pip3 install -r requirements.txt && python -m uvicorn backend.app:app --reload",
"next-dev": "next dev --turbo",
"dev": "concurrently \"npm run next-dev\" \"npm run fastapi-dev\"",
- Chat with AI: Enter your query in the input box and press Enter or click the send button to receive an AI response.
- Responsive UI: The app is responsive and works on mobile and desktop devices.
- GET /chatbot: Creates a session with random session id.
- POST /ask: Handles user queries and returns AI-generated responses.
- Modify the chatbot behavior by updating the API.
- Adjust the animations or UI components using Framer Motion and ShadCN components.
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Create a new branch (
git checkout -b feature/YourFeature
). - Make your changes and commit (
git commit -am 'Add new feature'
). - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/YourFeature
). - Create a new Pull Request for the changes made.