This repository is the official implementation of NeRAF: 3D Scene Infused Neural Radiance and Acoustic Fields. NeRAF is a novel method that learns neural radiance and acoustic field.
├── NeRAF
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├── pyproject.toml
├── data
│ ├── RAF
│ ├── SoundSpaces
Ensure that nerfstudio has been installed according to the instructions. Clone or fork this repository and run the commands:
conda activate nerfstudio
cd NeRAF/
pip install -e .
Following nerfstudio recommandations we use pytorch 2.1.2+cu11.8 and tinycudann 1.7. Additional audio related packages must be added to the conda environment.
- librosa 0.10.1
- pyroomacoustics 0.7.3
- torchaudio (should fit torch version, 2.1.2)
- scipy 1.10.1
This code creates a new Nerfstudio method named "NeRAF-method". Change the configuration file to set the parameters for the method. The file already contains the default parameters used in the paper.
To train the models, run the command:
NeRAF_dataset=RAF NeRAF_scene=FurnishedRoom ns-train NeRAF
We provide the weights of the model for every scene in RAF and SoundSpaces datasets. Note that if you train NeRAF from scratch you may obtain slightly different performances as the training is non-deterministic. This is why we averaged results on multiple runs in the paper.
To evaluate the model on eval set, run the following command:
ns-eval --load-config [CONFIG_PATH to config.yml] --output-path [OUTPUT_PATH to out_name.json] --render-output-path [RENDER_OUTPUT_PATH to folder conainting rendered images and audio in the eval set]
More informations are provided in Nerfstudio documentation.
ns-eval will save rendered images and audio in the render output path and give averaged metrics in the output path.
To resume training, run the following command:
ns-train NeRAF --load-dir [MODEL_PATH]
More informations are provided in Nerfstudio documentation.
If you find this repository useful in your research, please consider giving a star and cite our paper by using the following:
title={NeRAF: 3D Scene Infused Neural Radiance and Acoustic Fields},
author={Brunetto, Amandine and Hornauer, Sascha and Moutarde, Fabien},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.18213},
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.