Created by Amaury Camus (
Supervision : Vito Trianni
This is an attempt to create a self sufficient and clean repository for kilobots:
- For real robots
- For simulation on ARGoS
It contains all the code. See internal README for more information
It contains scripts to analyze the videos taken during real experiments:
- From over the robot
- with a gopro at 2Hz
It contains python scripts that will analyze data produced by the simulations or by the tracking scripts (that follow the same format).
To use the data produced here with Aishwayra's plotting tools (see RandomWalkRealoaded/multi_agent_simulation), a python script convert my data format into hers.
It contains the ARGoS config files, which will be generated on building (see below and in the src/
Prior to using this work, you should have installed:
- Argos3 (from sources : , installed in usr/local)
- Argos3 kilobot plugin (from sources : , installed in usr/local)
The current state of this works allows me to make it work on ubuntu 16.04 and 14.04, though I don't know for mac OS.
At the root folder (same level as src):
mkdir build
(if it doesn't already exists)
cd build
cmake ../src
It should compile everything.
- Thanks to the cmakelists.txt in behaviors, with its for loops, you can specify the whole range of parameters for which you want to run experiments. Is should generate:
- The binary behavior files in build/behaviors_simulation
- The config files in simulation_config/generated_configs
- The .hex files needed for real kilobots are in build/behaviors_real
- Make sure you have argos3 installed (typing
which argos3
should give the path to the executable) - Make sure you are in the root folder
- From the root folder, use the command
argos3 -c simulation_config/MY_CONFIG.argos