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This Drupal module contains various Paragraph entity types, their fields, display modes, and supporting code.

Warning: while this is generally production-ready, it's not guaranteed to maintain a stable API and may occasionally contain bugs, being a work-in-progress. Stable releases may be provided at a later date.




Set up

Ensure that you have your Drupal installation set up with the correct Composer installer types such as those provided by the drupal/recommended-project template. If you're starting from scratch, simply requiring that template and following the Composer documentation should get you up and running.


In your root composer.json, add the following to the "repositories" section:

"drupal/ambientimpact_paragraphs": {
  "type": "vcs",
  "url": ""


This provides one or more patches. These can be applied automatically by the the cweagans/composer-patches Composer plug-in, but some set up is required before installing this module. Notably, you'll need to enable patching from dependencies (such as this module 🤓). At a minimum, you should have these values in your root composer.json (merge with existing keys as needed):

  "require": {
    "cweagans/composer-patches": "^1.7.0"
  "config": {
    "allow-plugins": {
      "cweagans/composer-patches": true
  "extra": {
    "enable-patching": true,
    "patchLevel": {
      "drupal/core": "-p2"

Important: The 1.x version of the plug-in is currently required because it allows for applying patches from a dependency; this is not implemented nor planned for the 2.x branch of the plug-in.


Once you've completed all of the above, run composer require "drupal/ambientimpact_paragraphs:^2.0@dev" in the root of your project to have Composer install this and its required dependencies for you.


The following patches are supplied (see Patching above):

Major breaking changes

The following major version bumps indicate breaking changes:

  • 2.x:

    • Requires Drupal 9.5 or Drupal 10 with compatibility and deprecation fixes for the latter.

    • Requires PHP 8.1 or newer.

    • Switched from Hook Event Dispatcher to Hux.

    • Several classes have been renamed or moved to be more in line with PHP, Drupal, and Symfony naming conventions. Don't forget to run database updates!