For more information about TD model of classical conditioning read sutton-barto-90
The code for TD model of classical coditioning. TDmodel.jl
Examples of runs:
CS A presentfrom time step 0 to 2, CS B present from time step 2 to 4 and US occurs at time step 4 with the duration of 1 time step.
CS A presentfrom time step 0 to 4, CS B present from time step 2 to 4 and US occurs at time step 4 with the duration of 1 time step
The code for deep traces to be added to TD model. state_construction.jl
Using deep traces we can make features for the trace interval gap. Starting from presense representation and makeing traces of available features (including traces) to fill the gap of trace interval. This is an example for trace inteval of 10 time steps: