This software was developed as part of the now completed COLA project. The University of Westminster (U.K.) and MTA SZTAKI (Hungary) will continue its open-source development as part of other research projects.
MiCADO is an auto-scaling framework for Docker applications. It supports autoscaling at two levels. At virtual machine (VM) level, a built-in Kubernetes cluster is dynamically extended or reduced by adding/removing Nodes hosted on cloud virtual machines. At container level, the number of replicas implementing a Docker Service is automatically increased/decreased. The application detailing the services, links and scaling rules must be specified by a TOSCA-based Application Description Template (ADT).
The MiCADO manual is hosted at .
Manuals for MiCADO versions are as follows, and there is a very basic quick start guide below:
- MiCADO v0.9.0
- MiCADO v0.8.0
- MiCADO v0.7.3
- MiCADO v0.7.2-rev1
- MiCADO v0.7.2
- MiCADO v0.7.1
- MiCADO v0.7.0
- MiCADO v0.6.1
- MiCADO v0.6.0
- MiCADO v0.5.0
- 2 CPU / 4GB RAM / 20GB DISK
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or 18.04 LTS
- On a supported cloud
- CloudSigma
- CloudBroker
- OpenStack
- Microsoft Azure
- Google Cloud
- Ansible >= v2.8
- curl
- jq (for demos)
- wrk (for demos)
Clone the repository & prepare the credentials:
git clone micado
cd micado
git checkout v0.9.0
cp sample-hosts.yml hosts.yml
cp sample-credentials-cloud-api.yml credentials-cloud-api.yml
cp sample-credentials-micado.yml credentials-micado.yml
#option to login to private registry# cp sample-credentials-docker-registry.yml credentials-docker-registry.yml
Fill the hosts file with values for ansible_host (Master IP) and ansible_user (SSH user) and fill the credentials- files with usernames & passwords:
vim hosts.yml
vim credentials-cloud-api.yml
vim credentials-micado.yml
#option to login to private registry# vim credentials-docker-registry.yml
Run the playbook to completion:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml micado-master.yml
Prepare a demo by filling _settings with your MiCADO Master IP and user/pass:
cd demos/stressng
vim _settings
Fill the required fields (ADD_YOUR_ID ...) under the worker-node virtual machine with IDs from your cloud service provider, then run the test scripts:
cp stressng_<yourcloud>.yaml stressng.yaml
vim stressng.yaml
./ 85
Check out the Dashboard to see the test scale up, and undeploy when done: