A full stack app with the purpose of matching video game enthusiasts together to form teams for online play. Matches are based on personality, habits, gaming platform, etc. The app features a user-messaging system and a user-matching system
- Node.js
- Postgres
- Express
- Sequelize
- Express-Session
- Passport
- Pug
- Socket IO
- JQuery
- Bootstrap
Using git, clone into your directory
npm install
to install dependencies -
create Postgres database cluster with
. -
To set up the database, run
sequelize db:migrate
. -
Then seed the database with the
sequelize db:seed:all
command. -
get an API key from IGDB
To run the project, run
npm start
on the command line and use whatever port you specify in your .env on localhost
- filter system
- display that shows users what time a match typically plays (based on timezone)
- save users as favorites