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Apache Spark SQL for Cassandra Data Operations

In this walkthrough, we will cover how we can use Spark SQL to do Cassandra Data Operations. We will be using Spark Shell instead of the Spark SQL Shell due to the amount logs that come with a command in the Spark SQL Shell. We will also be using the Catalog method from DataStax's Spark Cassandra Connector.


  • Docker
  • Spark 3.0.X

1. Setup Dockerized Apache Cassandra

1.1 - Clone repo and cd into it

git clone
cd example-cassandra-spark-sql

1.2 - Start Apache Cassandra Container and Mount Directory

docker run --name cassandra -p 9042:9042 -d -v "$(pwd)":/example-cassandra-spark-sql cassandra:latest

1.3 - Run cqlsh

docker exec -it cassandra cqlsh

1.4 - Run setup.cql

source '/example-cassandra-spark-sql/setup.cql'

2. Start Spark Shell

2.1 - Navigate to Spark directory and start in standalone cluster mode


2.2 - Start worker and point it at the master

You can find your Spark master URL at localhost:8080

./sbin/ <master-url>

2.3 - Start Spark Shell

./bin/spark-shell --packages com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_2.12:3.0.0 \
--master <spark-master-url> \
--conf \
--conf spark.cassandra.connection.port=9042 \
--conf spark.sql.extensions=com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraSparkExtensions \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.cassandra=com.datastax.spark.connector.datasource.CassandraCatalog

3. Basic Cassandra Schema Commands

We will cover some basic Cassandra Schema commands we can do with Spark SQL. More can this can be found here

3.1 - Create Table

spark.sql("CREATE TABLE cassandra.demo.testTable (key_1 Int, key_2 Int, key_3 Int, cc1 STRING, cc2 String, cc3 String, value String) USING cassandra PARTITIONED BY (key_1, key_2, key_3) TBLPROPERTIES (clustering_key='cc1.asc, cc2.desc, cc3.asc', compaction='{class=SizeTieredCompactionStrategy,bucket_high=1001}')")

3.2 - Alter Table

spark.sql("ALTER TABLE cassandra.demo.testTable ADD COLUMNS (newCol INT)")
spark.sql("describe table cassandra.demo.testTable").show

3.3 - Drop Table

spark.sql("DROP TABLE cassandra.demo.testTable")
spark.sql("SHOW TABLES from cassandra.demo").show

4. Basic Cassandra Data Operations with Spark SQL (Cassandra to Cassandra)

4.1 - Read

Perform a basic read

spark.sql("SELECT * from cassandra.demo.previous_employees_by_job_title").show

4.2 - Write

Write data to a table from another table and use SQL functions

spark.sql("INSERT INTO cassandra.demo.days_worked_by_previous_employees_by_job_title SELECT job_title, employee_id, employee_name, abs(datediff(last_day, first_day)) as number_of_days_worked from cassandra.demo.previous_employees_by_job_title")

4.3 - Joins

Join data from two tables together

SELECT cassandra.demo.previous_employees_by_job_title.job_title, cassandra.demo.previous_employees_by_job_title.employee_name, cassandra.demo.previous_employees_by_job_title.first_day, cassandra.demo.previous_employees_by_job_title.last_day, cassandra.demo.days_worked_by_previous_employees_by_job_title.number_of_days_worked 
FROM cassandra.demo.previous_employees_by_job_title 
LEFT JOIN cassandra.demo.days_worked_by_previous_employees_by_job_title ON cassandra.demo.previous_employees_by_job_title.employee_id=cassandra.demo.days_worked_by_previous_employees_by_job_title.employee_id 
WHERE cassandra.demo.days_worked_by_previous_employees_by_job_title.job_title='Dentist'

5. Truncate tables with CQLSH

TRUNCATE TABLE demo.previous_employees_by_job_title ; 
TRUNCATE TABLE demo.days_worked_by_previous_employees_by_job_title ; 

6. Basic Cassandra Data Operations with Spark SQL (Source File to Cassandra)

6.1 - Restart Spark Shell

./bin/spark-shell --packages com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_2.12:3.0.0 \
--master spark://arpans-mbp.lan:7077 \
--conf \
--conf spark.cassandra.connection.port=9042 \
--conf spark.sql.extensions=com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraSparkExtensions \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.cassandra=com.datastax.spark.connector.datasource.CassandraCatalog \
--files /path/to/example-cassandra-spark-sql/previous_employees_by_job_title.csv 

6.2 - Load CSV data to df

val csv_df ="csv").option("header", "true").load("/path/to/example-cassandra-spark-sql/previous_employees_by_job_title.csv")

6.3 - Create temp view to use Spark SQL


6.4 - Write into Cassandra table using Spark SQL

spark.sql("INSERT INTO cassandra.demo.previous_employees_by_job_title SELECT * from source")

And that will wrap up the walkthrough on using Spark SQL for basic Cassandra Data Operations. If you want to watch a live recording of the walkthrough, be sure to check out the YouTube video linked below!



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