This Project was done with @Anas-ElHounsri and @Mlpalacios8.
What you are about to read is a comphrensive summary of the data processing and data science techniques applied to the given dataset, as well as the results of our Machine Learning implementation.
This is a Big Data project were we predict the possible time delay for flights using the Data Expo 2009: Airline dataset.
The dataset originally contains these variables:
Following a comprehensive analysis of the dataset, we have strategically identified a set of numerical and categorical variables to serve as the foundation for our Machine Learning algorithms, we decided to keep some variables and exclude some, we end up with these selection:
- Numerical Variables: "Month", "DayofMonth", "DayOfWeek", "DepTime", "CRSDepTime", "CRSArrTime", "DepDelay", "TaxiOut".
- Categorical variables: "UniqueCarrier", "Origin", "Dest".
And our target variable would be ArrDelay.
We had to specifically remove a set of variables because they contain information that is unknown at the time the plane takes off and, therefore, cannot be used in the prediction model. these variables are: "ArrTime", "ActualElapsedTime", "AirTime", "TaxiIn", "Diverted" "CarrierDelay", "WeatherDelay", "NASDelay", "SecurityDelay","LateAircraftDelay".
As for the rest of the variables, we removed and filtered them due to their insignificance, or due to high correlation which can greatly affect our Machine Learning models.
these variables are:
- Numerical variables: "Distance", "CRSElapsedTime", "Cancelled", "year".
- Categorical variables: "FlightNum", "TailNum" "CancellationCode".
In order to construct an effective machine learning model for predicting flight arrival delays, including the categorical variables that were selected is imperative, but in order to make them useful for our model, we decided to One-Hot Encode them, specifically Sparse One-Hot encoding This technique proved instrumental in generating new, meaningful variables.
An example of the resulting matrices for the encoded variables are as follow:
More about it in the commented code.
In exploratory data analysis, we applied a summary function to the dataset after processing. We could observe that the response variable, ArrDelay, has a gaussian/normal distribution which is important when evaluating our model, based on its standard deviation, quartiles, mean and median.
In univariate analysis, we applied the UnivariateFeatureSelector to the numeric features with a selection mode of “fpr” which chooses all features whose p-values are below a threshold (0.05), thus controlling the false positive rate of selection. All variables passed the threshold, so everything was retained.
In multivariate analysis, we generated a Pearson correlation matrix with the numeric features and observed that all values were closed very close to 0, meaning that all numeric variables were not correlated between them, proving that all of them are useful for modeling.
We used a GeneralizedLinearRegression function with the parameter family “gaussian”, because our target variable has a normal distribution, and a parameter link “identity” which stands for a normal linear regression. The model was implemented with the following:
- Train/test split without hyperparameters tuning.
- Train/test split with hyperparameter tuning.
We obtained very good results:
- Linear Regression - Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) on test data = 9.872014972157567
- Linear Regression - Mean Absolute Error (MAE) on test data = 6.810481148590552
- Linear Regression - R-squared (R2) on test data = 0.888515268971845
Our second and third model is the Decision Tree Regression and Random Forest Regression models, still targeting our continuous variable. No cross validation or hyperparameter tuning was done in these models as the resources required were very hefty.
Results were less favourable compared to the Linear Regression model:
For Decision Tree Regression:
- Decision Tree Regression - Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) on test data = 17.34322337849847
- Decision Tree Regression - Mean Absolute Error (MAE) on test data = 9.341473382646026
- Decision Tree Regression - R-squared (R2) on test data = 0.6559168422044535
For Random Forest Regression:
- Random Forest Regression - Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) on test data = 18.15972147123311
- Random Forest Regression - Mean Absolute Error (MAE) on test data = 10.40378010532508
- Random Forest Regression - R-squared (R2) on test data = 0.6227561695039323
As observed, Random Forest didn't provide an improvement over Decision Tree. Results were fairly similar and poorly performed vs linear regression, especially the R-squared (R2) with 0.6559 vs 0.8885.
Run the following command to install the required dependencies using ‘pip’:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the '2007.csv' data file and place it in the project directory.
You need to make sure that “” and “2007.csv” are in the same folder.
Execute the Spark script using the following command:
spark-submit --master local[*]