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Inari Soft User edited this page Dec 15, 2016 · 23 revisions

Firefly Component-Entity-System API for 2D Animations and Games

  • Introduction

  • Goals and Features

  • Setting Up

  • TODO

  • Hello World

  • Architecture Overview

  • The Context

  • Components And Attributes

  • Aspects

  • Entites

  • Systems

  • Controller

  • Events

  • Low Level Interfaces

  • Systems and their Components

  • AssetSystem

  • ViewSystem

  • TaskSystem

  • StateSystem

  • EntitySystem

  • SpriteViewSystem

  • ShapeRenderSystem

  • TextSystem

  • TileGridSystem

  • ControllerSystem

  • ActionSystem

  • AudioSystem

  • AnimationSystem

  • MovementSystem

  • CollisionSystem

  • Misc

  • Extending the Framework

  • Create Entity-Components

  • Create Systems and System-Components

  • Create Events connecting Systems

  • Create new Low Level interfaces