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A C# based library to communicate with a klipper using Moonraker as WebApi base.


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MoonrakerRestApiSharp (former KlipperRestApiSharp)

A C# based library to communicate with the Moonraker WebApi, available with Fluidd and MainsailOS.

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With the upcoming version, starting from 1.1.0, KlipperClient become MoonrakerClient. also the namespaces will changed and generalized with our other print server api nugets.

Old New
AndreasReitberger AndreasReitberger.API.Moonraker
KlipperClient MoonrakerClient
Klipper... Moonraker...

Nuget MoonrakerRestApiSharp

NuGet NuGet

Nuget KlipperRestApiSharp (deprecated)

NuGet NuGet

Platform specific setup


On Android you need to allow local connections in the AndroidManifest.xml. For this, create a new xml file and link to it in your manifest at android:networkSecurityConfig

Content of the network_security_config.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
	<base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true" />

The manifest

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		android:label="App Name"
	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Moonrakers Documentation

This C# library wraps the available Web API functions listed in the Moonraker's documentation below.

You can see the current migration progress in the following table.

Supported OS

Basically all OS using the Moonraker WebApi are theoretically supported.

Tested with our app

  • MainsailOS
  • FluiddPi

App's using this library


I also created an iOS app to interact with a moonraker based OS. The app is available for testing here:

Note for Android

There is an android version in development, however due to the poor performance using Xamarin.Android, I decided to wait till .NET MAUI is available.

WebAPI migration status

Following you'll find the list of migrated functions from the WebAPI.

Printer Administration

Function Added? Tested?
Get Klippy host information
Emergency Stop
Host Restart
Firmware Restart

Printer Status

Function Added? Tested?
List available printer objects
Query printer object status
Subscribe to printer object status
Query Endstops
Query Server Info
Get Server Configuration
Request Cached Temperature Data
Request Cached GCode Responses
Restart Server
Get Websocket ID

GCode APIs

Function Added? Tested?
Run a gcode
Get GCode Help

Print Management

Function Added? Tested?
Print a file
Pause a print
Resume a print
Cancel a print

Machine Commands

Function Added? Tested?
Get System Info
Shutdown the Operating System
Reboot the Operating System
Restart a system service No
Stop a system service No
Start a system service No
Get Moonraker Process Stats

File Operations

Function Added? Tested?
List available files
Get gcode metadata
Get directory information
Create directory
Delete directory
Move a file or directory
Copy a file or directory
File download
File upload
File delete
Download klippy.log
Download moonraker.log


Function Added? Tested?
Login User
Logout Current User
Get Current User
Create User
Delete User
List Available Users
Reset User Password
Refresh JSON Web Token
Generate a Oneshot Token
Get the Current API Key
Generate a New API Key

Database APIs

Function Added? Tested?
List namespaces
Get Database Item
Add Database Item
Delete Database Item

Job Queue APIs

Function Added? Tested?
Retrieve the job queue status
Enqueue a job
Remove a Job
Pause the job queue
Start the job queue

Update Manager APIs

Function Added? Tested?
Get update status
Perform a full update
Update Moonraker No
Update Klipper No
Update Client No
Update System Packages No
Recover a corrupt repo No

Power APIs

Function Added? Tested?
Get Device List
Get Device Status
Set Device State
Get Batch Device Status
Batch Power On Devices
Batch Power Off Devices

Octoprint API emulation

Function Added? Tested?
Version information
Server status
Login verification & User information No
Get settings
Octoprint File Upload
Get Job status
Get Printer status
Send GCode command
List Printer profiles

History APIs

Function Added? Tested?
Get job list
Get job totals
Reset totals
Get a single job
Delete job


Function Added? Tested?
Publish a topic No No
Subscribe to a topic No No

Websocket notifications

Not implemented yet.


You can check the Test project for more code examples.

Initialize the client

This initialize a new KlipperClient object. Always check if the client is reachable before using it.

private readonly string _host = "";
private readonly int _port = 80;
private readonly string _api = "";
private readonly bool _ssl = false;

// Note, the api key is not mandatory
KlipperClient _server = new(_host, _port, _ssl);
await _server.CheckOnlineAsync();
if (_server.IsOnline)
    await _server.RefreshAllAsync();

    //var token = await _server.GetOneshotTokenAsync();
    KlipperAccessTokenResult token2 = await _server.GetApiKeyAsync();


It's recommended to StartListening() to the WebSocket of your Klipper server. An example is shown below.

Dictionary<DateTime, string> websocketMessages = new();
KlipperClient _server = new(_host, _api, _port, _ssl);

await _server.CheckOnlineAsync();


// Once the Id has been received, subscribe to the printer status objects
_server.WebSocketConnectionIdChanged += (o, args) =>
    Assert.IsTrue(args.ConnectionId > 0);
    Task.Run(async () =>
        string subResult = await _server.SubscribeAllPrinterObjectStatusAsync(args.ConnectionId);

_server.Error += (o, args) =>
_server.ServerWentOffline += (o, args) =>

_server.WebSocketDataReceived += (o, args) =>
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Message))
        websocketMessages.Add(DateTime.Now, args.Message);
        Debug.WriteLine($"WebSocket Data: {args.Message} (Total: {websocketMessages.Count})");

_server.WebSocketError += (o, args) =>
    Assert.Fail($"Websocket closed due to an error: {args}");

// Wait 10 minutes
CancellationTokenSource cts = new(new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0));
_server.WebSocketDisconnected += (o, args) =>
    if (!cts.IsCancellationRequested)
        Assert.Fail($"Websocket unexpectly closed: {args}");

    await Task.Delay(10000);
    await _server.CheckOnlineAsync();
} while (_server.IsOnline && !cts.IsCancellationRequested);


User auth

If your Klipper server is protected with a login, please call the LoginUserAsync method first. Alternatively you can provide the API key instead.

string username = "TestUser";
string password = "TestPassword";

KlipperUserActionResult userCreated = await _server.CreateUserAsync(username, password);

List<KlipperUser> users = await _server.ListAvailableUsersAsync();
Assert.IsTrue(users?.Count > 0);

KlipperUserActionResult login = await _server.LoginUserAsync(username, password);
Assert.IsTrue(login.Username == username);

KlipperUser currentUser = await _server.GetCurrentUserAsync();

KlipperUserActionResult newTokenResult = await _server.RefreshJSONWebTokenAsync();
Assert.IsTrue(_server.UserToken == newTokenResult.Token);

string newPassword = "TestPasswordChanged";
KlipperUserActionResult refreshPassword = await _server.ResetUserPasswordAsync(password, newPassword);

KlipperUserActionResult logout = await _server.LogoutCurrentUserAsync();

login = await _server.LoginUserAsync(username, newPassword);
Assert.IsTrue(login.Username == username);

logout = await _server.LogoutCurrentUserAsync();

KlipperUserActionResult userDeleted = await _server.DeleteUserAsync(username);