Final project for the Web Engineering course.
Web App + REST API to helps users to decide which carriers (airlines) and which airports to use in the USA for their air travel needs.
- Emiel Pasman
- Andrés Salinas Lima
- Stefan Valeanu
The documentation for the REST API can be found in API Documentation. This file serves as our project report.
folder contains our node API. To use node to run it, install npm and node on your computer, then run
npm install
inside the API folder, followed by node server.js
. After this, the server will wait for requests on localhost:8080
Performing the same steps in the APP
folder will start the app, which will wait for requests on localhost:3000
For the backend we picked the Node.js framework combined with Express.js and a MongoDB database, because two of us had worked with them before. In addition, in this particular project, we had to work with JSON-formatted data, which is easy to do with each of these. There are also many node libraries that can easily be added using npm.
For the frontend we used Vue.js with HTML to easily be able to refer to variables in javascript code in the HTML files and because it was featured in one of the tutorials. Since we did not have time to make a complex webapp, we did not get a chance to use more of vue's features.
Two extensions were added to the API that implement additional endpoints beside the ones required in the project description. Firstly, there is the option to see rankings of different carriers based on carrier-specific delay information in both minutes and number of delays. Secondly, comments with user scores can be added to each carrier, which are stored in a separate collection from the airlines data, and these can also be viewed. The exact requests and results that the endpoints offer can be found in the API documentation.
The project description also mentions a requirement to use a 3rd party API in the web app. This was implemented in the airports/:airport route, in order to show the timezone and a link to the location of the airport in google maps.
folder contains server, routes, database wrapper, utilities and manager files as well as the files needed for node projects and libraries.
The routes part of the program handles the receiving of http requests, sending error messages when needed and calling a function to receive the response data from the carriers or airports manager and sending that otherwise. It also calls a json to csv converter function from the json2csv library to convert between the two formats when csv is specified in the content-type parameter in the header of a request.
The carrier, ratings and airport manager receive requests and generate the results by using the functions in the database wrapper file, using the stats-lite library to calculate simple parameters from the data, and by generating links to related pages when necessary, sometimes by using the pagination.js file in utils.
The database wrapper uses the mongodb driver's find, distinct and update functions to read and manipulate the data as needed. The data itself is stored in a mongodb Atlas cloud database.
With these components, the server is able to receive requests, retrieve or modify the data needed for the request and show a corresponding result.
folder contains a server file and one html and one javascript file for each page. Each javascript file retrieves the data that the page needs from the API and puts it in a variable that the HTML is then able to access from the Vue class.
In designing the API, the principles of REST were to be taken into account. Below is an explanation of how each of the REST principles that were incorporated into the final design of the API:
Resource identification: the data representations required for this project were incorporated such that there is a clear structure of resources, namely carriers and their statistics as well as airports and the delaystats resource which implements the endpoint that provides descriptive statistics. Each resource that contains a large amount of data is paginated, with links between pages provided in the results.
Uniform interface: each resource can be retrieved using a GET request, and http parameters follow the same simple format across all requests. For example, the carrier parameter can be added to the request having a valid airport code as its value and will work the same way in all requests where filtering by parameter is possible. The statistics resources can be created, updated and deleted simply by changing the http verb and adding any new data to be added in the body of the request.
Self-describing messages: each resource has a content-type corresponding to the one specified in the request. The content-type is negotiable, as the data can be represented in json or csv. With the data included in the data part in the body and metadata added separately, the message stands on its own as a readable response without any other context.
HATEOAS: metadata in responses contains links to resources that might be needed next, and links to next, previous and last pages are always included whenever pagination is applied.
Stateless interactions: since there is no login system of sorts, the API does not currently need to keep track of client sessions of any sort. The client is able to perform requests without the need of any further context. Therefore, aside from the database there is no state to be tracked by the server.