This Price Prediction Model was written using Python 3.9.1.
Constructed using a combination of PyCharm and Google Colab.
My hypothesis for this project is: If enough historical stock price data is available for any individual stock, then it can be used to train our recurrent neural network to then accurately predict future stock prices. Due to the strong correlations between prediction price and actual price, I confidently accept the hypothesis.
- Make sure Python V3.6 or higher is on your device
- Check and/or download module requirements (requirements.txt).
- Download CapstoneProject folder from github
- Open Terminal in CapstoneProject folder or navigate to CapstoneProject folder
- Enter code 'python3' to run program
- Enter password 'luthor' to begin
- Open CapstoneProject folder with PyCharm, Google Colab, or your IDE of choice
- Navigate to python file
- Run
- Enter password 'luthor' to begin
- Open new Command Prompt (Windows key + X, click Command Prompt)
- Navigate to the directory you saved the CapstoneProject folder in
- Enter code 'python3' to run program
- Enter password 'luthor' to begin
- Open CapstoneProject folder with PyCharm, Google Colab, or your IDE of choice
- Navigate to python file
- Run
- Enter password 'luthor' to begin
- psutil~=5.8.0
- yfinance~=0.1.55
- torch~=1.7.1
- numpy~=1.20.1
- pandas~=1.2.1
- matplotlib~=3.3.4
- sklearn~=0.0
- scikit-learn~=0.24.1