- Making for the CS324 Scripting Languages course.
- Redone for Python 3.6.
- Made with PyCharm.
For base scraping: google_images_download python package.
Note: I only found this package with pip.
pip install google_images_download
Web driver #1: selenium web driver python package.
pip install selenium
Web driver #2: chromedriver web driver for Google Chrome. You'll need to provide a path to the chromedriver executable on you computer in the processing.py file.
Web drivers are needed for downloading more than 200 image files per argument.
For renaming and resizing of images: renaming-resizing-script which is my own project. Be advised that this project has its own requirements. This bash script I've made it already present for this project, hence the term internal.
Inspect the alts folder for a bing alternative scraping script which isn't made originally by me.
Option #1: For Google scraping check out this link. I haven't tried out any of them yet.
The example that I've placed in the alts folder requires the beautifulsoup4 library. This option was deleted.
Option #1: A Bing searching API provided for students; a Microsoft Azure account is needed for a key to use in the scraping script. You'll also need these two for this script:
pip install requests
pip install opencv-python
Change directory to the code folder and then type in this command in the terminal:
python main.py
Voilà. Make sure to primarily activate your virtual environment of course. Just a reminder.
# for Anaconda
source activate 'the-name-of-your-env'
# for venv
source 'venv/bin/activate'
Please read the comments in the code in order to better understand the execution of the program.