A Spring Boot web application configured to use OAuth 2.0 with GitHub API and self-signed SSL certificate.
- 🔶 Java 21.0.5 LTS
- 🔶 Spring Boot 3.4.3
- 🔶 Gradle 8.12.1
- 🔶 Apache Tomcat 10.1.36
- 🔶 Sonarqube Gradle
- 🔶 Visual Studio Code 1.98.2
OAuth (Open Authorization) 2.0 is an open authorization standard. It provides a way for users to log into a web-based application (Spring Security OAuth 2.0) by delegating the authentication process to trusted third-party services, such as Google and GitHub. The full specification of the OAuth 2.0 protocol can be found in RFC 6749.
Clone a GitHub Repository to your computer:
git clone https://github.com/AndrzejSzelag/oauth2githubssl.git
Configuring an OAuth 2.0 GitHub SSL application in GitHub (https://github.com/: Settings -> Developer settings).
You need:
Warning: These values should be set in the application.yml file in place of CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET.
To run a Spring Boot project using Gradle from the command line, follow these steps:
Open a terminal in the project's root directory.
Execute the command:
gradle bootRun
Paste the URL into your web browser:
❤️ You have successfully run the Spring Boot project using Gradle!