- 🔶 Java 21.0.5 LTS
- 🔶 Spring Boot 3.4.2
- 🔶 Apache Maven 3.9.8
- 🔶 JUnit 5.11.4
- 🔶 AssertJ 3.26.3
- 🔶 Mockito 5.14.2
- 🔶 IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3.2.1 (Ultimate Edition)
OAuth (Open Authorization) 2.0 is an open authorization standard. It provides a way for users to log into a web-based application (Spring Security OAuth 2.0) by delegating the authentication process to trusted third-party services, such as Google and GitHub. The full specification of the OAuth 2.0 protocol can be found in RFC 6749.
Configuring an OAuth 2.0 Google application in Google Cloud Platform (https://cloud.google.com/).
You need:
Clone a GitHub Repository to your computer:
git clone https://github.com/AndrzejSzelag/oauth2google.git
Run JAR file and in your web browser paste a URL: