Tapir is a member and shift management system to be used by SuperCoop Berlin.
Tapir has a trunk, but not quite such a beautiful one as Mme. l'élephan. Tapir is badass, but not quite as badass as the other animals. Let's teach Tapir some tricks!
docker-compose up
This starts a container with an LDAP server and automatically loads the test data into the LDAP.
Next, set up the test database and load test data
# Create tables
docker-compose exec web poetry run python manage.py migrate
# Load admin (password: admin) account
docker-compose exec web poetry run python manage.py loaddata accounts
# Load lots of test users & shifts
docker-compose exec web poetry run python manage.py populate --reset_all
Leon uses PyCharm for development. It has a Poetry plugin that easily allows setting up a local (not in the container) Python env and run the tests in there. Make sure to enable Django support in the project settings so that things like the template language and the test runner are automagically selected (note that right now this doesn't really work anymore as the tests must be run inside docker to have an LDAP server. But PyCharm is still pretty cool)
First thing after checkout, run the following to install auto-formatting using black before every commit:
poetry install && pre-commit install
docker-compose exec web poetry run python manage.py shell
For reading or modifying the LDAP, Apache Directory Studio is pretty handy.
You'll need to add browser-drivers to your path. Currently only Firefox is tested. See https://selenium-python.readthedocs.io/installation.html#drivers
The tests are run against your local docker instance. Before running them ensure a clean state with :
docker-compose exec web poetry run python manage.py populate --reset_all
Then, run the tests with the PyCharm run configuration (.run/Tapir Tests.run.xml), or manually with
python manage.py test
A few definitions to help newcomers understand the model classes.
Class | Definition |
DraftUser | Also called Applicant. Represents a person that expressed interest in joining but that hasn't completed the subscription process yet. |
ShareOwner | Represents a person or a company that is either currently owning at least a share, or has owned shares in the past. Therefore they are or have been a member of the cooperative. They may not be active, for example investing members or someone who sold their shares. |
TapirUser | Represents a person with a user account. Accounts are linked between Tapir and the Wiki for example. Gets created when the member becomes active (part of the shift system etc.), but can become inactive. |
Shift | Represents a shift with a specific date and time (for example, 18/06/21 10:00 to 13:00). Can be a one-time activity or an instance of a ShiftTemplate |
ShiftTemplate | Represents the recurring aspect of a shift in the ABCD system. For example helping at the shop on Tuesday, 10:00 to 13:00, on Week C. It has a weekday (Tuesday) and a time, but no date (18/06/21) |