Releases: AngellusMortis/BoundlessProxyUi
Releases · AngellusMortis/BoundlessProxyUi
Game Server Offline Fixes
- Solved issue where ProxyUI could not open a connection to some worlds. It looks like the issue was being caused by the lack of having enough information on that world. Switch over from using public DS
to Boundlexx's master list of Worlds.
UI Simplification
- Hides the "Settings" and "Proxy UI" Windows by default giving the user the option to open these via a button. They can also be closed now without shutting down the whole app
- Adds a status bar on the main window to tell user when files are uploaded to Boundlexx
- Adds a new setting you set Boundlexx base API URL (most for testing)
Known Issue:
- Cannot open portals to Creative worlds