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Releases: AngellusMortis/BoundlessProxyUi

Game Server Offline Fixes

22 Sep 21:56
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  • Solved issue where ProxyUI could not open a connection to some worlds. It looks like the issue was being caused by the lack of having enough information on that world. Switch over from using public DS list-gameservers to Boundlexx's master list of Worlds.

UI Simplification

22 Sep 17:32
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  • Hides the "Settings" and "Proxy UI" Windows by default giving the user the option to open these via a button. They can also be closed now without shutting down the whole app
  • Adds a status bar on the main window to tell user when files are uploaded to Boundlexx
  • Adds a new setting you set Boundlexx base API URL (most for testing)

Known Issue:

  • Cannot open portals to Creative worlds