This is the official code for Can Diffusion Model Achieve Better Performance in Text Generation? Bridging the Gap between Training and Inference!
One can post-train your own diffusion model with two methods below to
accelerate the inference
speed andachieve better performance
! -
Extensive experiments show our method can generate a full sequence with 128 tokens in only
denoising steps !
We provide the download link for all the data used in our paper:
Task | Dataset | Samples | Used in our paper |
Text Simplification | WIKI AUTO | 677k | download |
Paraphrase | Quora Question Pairs | 114k | download |
Story Generation | ROC Story | 88k | download |
Question Generation | Quasar-T | 117k | download |
E2E (Semantic / Syntax) | E2E | 88k | download |
Please download the data and place under the ./datasets
Please refer to the following repos for more details:
DiffuSeq: Sequence to Sequence Text Generation with Diffusion Models
Diffusion-LM Improves Controllable Text Generation
We also provide the two post-trained models link for quick check
We provide the code for post-training on QQP (Paraphrase) dataset
conda create -n diffsuion python=3.9
conda activate diffusion
pip install -r requirement.txt
We conduct experiment with 4 NVIDIA-A100(40GB)
cd scripts
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3;
--nproc_per_node=4 \
--diff_steps 2000 \
--microbatch 100 \
--lr 0.0001 \
--learning_steps 320000 \
--save_interval 2500 \
--seed 109 \
--noise_schedule sqrt \
--hidden_dim 128 \
--bsz 100 \
--dataset qqp \
--data_dir datasets/QQP \
--vocab bert \
--seq_len 128 \
--simi_penalty l2_noise_random \
--simi_lambda -2 \
--simi_step 10 \
--simi_noise 0.05 \
--resume_checkpoint /path/to/checkpoint \
--schedule_sampler lossaware \
--notes qqp
python -m torch.distributed.launch $DISTRIBUTE_ARGS $TRAIN_ARGS
python \
--model_path /path/to/checkpoint \
--step 2000 \
--batch_size 16 \
--seed2 10 \
--split test \
--out_dir generation_outputs \
--decode_respacing "adp_20"
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