run "make"
execute by using "./myShell"
type "quit" to exit the shell
- ls takes arguments as flags (in the form -(flagname)) and directories (in the form -(directory name)) in any order.
- It lists the files of all the directories mentioned, in the form of option selected by the flags.
- If there is no directory mentioned, it lists the files of current directory
- "ls" - lists in alphabetical order
- "ls -a" - display hidden files
- "ls -l" - long list
- "ls -al"/"ls -la"/"ls -l -a"/"ls -a -l" - long list including hidden files
- Similarities to real command: "ls -a" displays files sorted in alphabetical order (NOT CONSIDERING THE PREPENDED '.')
- "cd (absolute path)" - goes to absolute path
- "cd" - goes to ~/
- "cd ~/(pathname)" - goes to ~/(pathname)
- "cd .." - goes to previous directory
- "cd ." - goes to same directory
- "echo" - prints empty line
- "echo text" - prints "text"
- "echo 'text' " - prints "text"
- "echo $var" - prints value of linux environment variable "var"
- "pwd" - prints absolute path of present working directory
- "pinfo" : prints the process related info of the shell program
- "pinfo " : prints the process info about given pid
- pid --
- Process status -- {R/S/S+/Z}
- Memory
- Executable path -- (Absolute path - includes ~/ if executable is present inside the shell directory)