This is Credit Card Financial Transaction Report made using PowerBi.
- we made a multi-screen Dashboard and automated using SQL.
- whenever new data is added to SQL we just need to refresh the Dashboard all charts and fields automatically updates with the new data.
- Prepare a csv file.
- In Postgre SQL
- Create DataBase.
- Create Tables and define its columns.
- import data into the tables form csv file.
- Connect PowerBi with SQL.
- It is suggested to clean the data into the excel or SQL first then import the data into the powerbi.
- if we try to clean the data in powerbi itself it will add more filters and constraints to the columns that will make the data processing slow on Dashboard.
- Because when we refresh the Dashboard , First it will apply all the filters and Constraints and then After it will process the Query.
AgeGroup = SWITCH( TRUE(), 'public cust_detail'[customer_age] < 30, "20-30", 'public cust_detail'[customer_age] >= 30 && 'public cust_detail'[customer_age] < 40, "30-40", 'public cust_detail'[customer_age] >= 40 && 'public cust_detail'[customer_age] < 50, "40-50", 'public cust_detail'[customer_age] >= 50 && 'public cust_detail'[customer_age] < 60, "50-60", 'public cust_detail'[customer_age] >= 60, "60+", "unknown" )
IncomeGroup = SWITCH( TRUE(), 'public cust_detail'[income] < 35000, "Low", 'public cust_detail'[income] >= 35000 && 'public cust_detail'[income] <70000, "Med", 'public cust_detail'[income] >= 70000, "High", "unknown")
week_num2 = WEEKNUM('public cc_detail'[week_start_date])
Revenue = 'public cc_detail'[annual_fees] + 'public cc_detail'[total_trans_amt] + 'public cc_detail'[interest_earned]
Current_week_Reveneue = CALCULATE( SUM('public cc_detail'[Revenue]), FILTER( ALL('public cc_detail'), 'public cc_detail'[week_num2] = MAX('public cc_detail'[week_num2])))
Previous_week_Reveneue = CALCULATE( SUM('public cc_detail'[Revenue]), FILTER( ALL('public cc_detail'), 'public cc_detail'[week_num2] = MAX('public cc_detail'[week_num2])-1))
Week on Week change:
- Revenue increased by 28.8%.
Overview YTD:
- Overall revenue is 57M
- Total interest is 8M
- Total transaction amount is 46M
- Male customers are contributing more in revenue 31M, female 26M
- Blue & Silver credit card are contributing to 93% of overall transactions
- TX, NY & CA is contributing to 68%
- Overall Activation rate is 57.5%
- Overall Delinquent rate is 6.06%