This application is designed for native android phones. It is a perfect application for trekkers and explorers. In this app, you can create your own group and start your exploration/trekking. The admin's path is highlighted on the map so that when a newbie is lost, he/she can see the path and follow it.
Log In Screen
After LogIn, The Home Screen Looks Like this
The navigation View looks like this
To change account Settings, We tap on Account Settings, where we see this screen
We can choose to either share or prevent sharing our location on our servers.
Now, to create group, we tap on hover button and give name and select members. The screenshot depicts that
After group is created, we go to that group. The group view looks like this.
The admin can set the destination of the group. For setting a point as destination, he needs to long tap on the point and confirm it.
Setting a destination is not a compulsion, but it gives an idea to the team where we are going. Now we can see ourselves on the map. Screenshot of the destination viewed on the map.
Screenshots of other friends
Detailed overview of map with destination and friends
The admin's path can be tracked and on long tap, it is shown on map. Below screenshots display the path taken by the admin in real time.