Unity Mediation Ads is a plugin for Flutter Applications. This plugin is able to display and Unity Rewarded Ads and Interstitial Ads.
Note: We are working on the other ad formats as well
gameId: 'GAME_ID',
listener: (UnityInitializationState initializationState, Map<String, dynamic> result) {
if (initializationState == UnityInitializationState.initialized) {
<!-- This plugin is awesome -->
} else if(initializationState == UnityInitializationState.error) {
<!-- Something went wrong -->
- Get your GAME_ID from Unity Dashboard.
- Open the build.gradle file in your project.
- Add the following implementations in the dependencies section of the file, ensuring the dependencies of the adapters you intend to use in your project are declared:
implementation "com.unity3d.mediation:admob-adapter:0.3.0"
implementation "com.unity3d.mediation:adcolony-adapter:0.3.0"
implementation "com.unity3d.mediation:applovin-adapter:0.3.0"
implementation "com.unity3d.mediation:facebook-adapter:0.3.0"
implementation "com.unity3d.mediation:ironsource-adapter:0.3.0"
implementation "com.unity3d.mediation:vungle-adapter:0.3.0"
placementId: 'REWARDED_AD_ID',
listener: (UnityAdsState adState, Map<String, dynamic> result) {
if (state == UnityAdState.rewarded) {
<!-- User has watched a video. User should get a reward! -->
} else if (state == UnityAdState.error) {
<!-- Error -->
placementId: 'INTERSTITIAL_AD_ID',
listener: (UnityAdsState adState, Map<String, dynamic> result) {
if (state == UnityAdState.rewarded) {
<!-- User has watched a video. User should get a reward! -->
} else if (state == UnityAdState.error) {
<!-- Error -->
State | Description |
rewarded | Video played till the end. Use it to reward the user. |
error | Some error occurred. |
showed | Ad showed to the user |
closed | Ad closed by the user |
clicked | User clicked the ad. |