Training program "Back-end Developer: PHP/Symfony" (OpenClassrooms)
Project 6: Collaborative blog about snowboard tricks using PHP & Symfony (study project)
✅ Validated on March 13, 2023
PHP 8.1
Composer 2.3.0
Symfony 6.1
- Clone the repository
- Upload & install xamppserver:
- Launch xamppserver, configure your php version to 8.1.6 or above
- Go to localhost/phpmyadmin/
- Create a new database & name it "p6-blog"
- Launch a terminal at the root of the project & run the command "composer intall"
- Launch the Symfony server running "symfony server:start"
You can load the fixtures as initial data, running "php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load"
Run the app & open a development server (symfony serve -d)
Update composer.json
- Ugrade php 8.1 to 8.2 (in config > platform, l.63) & run "composer up"
- Upgrade Symfony (from main repo only) changing every "6.1." to "6.4." & run "composer up"
Update the Flex recipes
- See the list of available updates running "composer recipes:update"
- Update one by one, checking every change (some are note necessary, read doc)
- Delete deprecated (& unused) bundle running "composer remove sensio/framework-extra-bundle"
- Update webpack-encore-bundle to version ^2.0 in composer.json & run "composer up"
- Update the new recipe but keep only symfony.lock changes (don't remove files & customized code)