Fresh Fusion, your ultimate grocery companion. Crafted using React Native, Redux, Tailwind CSS and NativeWind, this app redefines your shopping experience. Effortlessly navigate, order, and enjoy the freshest produce anytime, anywhere.
- React Native
- Android
- Web-App
- Shopping App
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
In order to run this project you need:
- Install Git on your computer Git
- Any text editor VSCode
- Install linters on your local environment
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
git clone
cd SpendWise
Install expo:
expo init.
Inside your IDE:
npm start or yarn start
yarn expo export:web
You can deploy this project using: the Netlify Platform
👤 Ansar Ibrahim
- [More Things]
- [Navigation]
- [API]
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project give it a ⭐️
I would like to acknowledge and give credit to Ansar Ibrahim
This project is MIT licensed.