This project has been conceived during the "Synthesis and Optimization of Embedded Systems" course held by Prof. Calimera, Politecnico di Torino (AY 2017/18).
The aim of this tcl script is to write a plug-in for PrimeTime in to obtain a post synthesis power minimization. The new command tries to reassign LVT cells with HVT such that the slack penalties are minimized while still reaching the desired power savings. Another relevant parameter taken into account is the CPU time needed to complete the optimization required, which has been sensibly minimized.
After having synthesized the circuit with dc_shell, and started PrimeTime, one should simply launch the script:
source dualVth.tcl
Then, you just need to launch the included procedure, adding the required arguments:
dualVth -leakage $savings$
The parameter savings is given as a normalized value, i.e. it ranges from [0,1].
For any information, you can simply drop an email: