Welcome to the Cypress Automation Framework repository! This framework is designed to simplify and streamline your UI, API, and performance testing using Cypress, a powerful end-to-end testing framework.
To get started with this framework, follow these steps:
npm install cypress --save-dev
Cypress-XPath is a useful plugin that enables you to use XPath selectors in your Cypress tests. Install it using npm:
npm install -D cypress-xpath
After installation, add the following line to your commands.js file (usually located in the "support" folder):
import 'cypress-xpath';
This Cypress Automation Framework follows a structured approach for better maintainability and scalability. Below is an overview of the code structure:
This framework is designed to support various testing types:
UI Testing: UI tests are located under the e2e folder. Each test file typically follows the naming convention Test"pageclassname".cy.js, where "pageclassname" represents the page being tested.
API Testing: API tests are located in the e2e/apiTest folder. These tests utilize the apiconfig.json file for endpoint configuration and the apiUtils.js utility functions for common API interactions.
Performance Testing: This framework can be extended to include performance testing using Cypress performance plugins or custom scripts.For now we are capturing the time taken to perform actions on WEB UI.
apiconfig.json: Contains the base URL and API endpoints for API testing.
support: Contains utility files like apiUtils.js, which provides functions for common API interactions. These utilities are imported into API test files for reusability.
reports: Stores test reports and screenshots generated during test execution.
pageclass: Contains page class definitions for different web pages, making it easier to interact with web elements.
logs: Logs generated during test execution are saved in this folder.
fixtures: Test data in JSON format is stored here.
To run all API tests, use the following command:
npm run apitest
To run all UI tests, use the following command:
npm run uitest
Contributions and suggestions are welcome! If you find a bug or want to enhance the project, feel free to create a pull request. Please ensure your code follows best practices and includes appropriate tests.
Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name.
- Make changes and commit them: git commit -am 'Add new feature'.
- Push to the branch: git push origin feature/your-feature-name.
- Create a pull request.
It seems to be some issue with the api hosted that I hosted on render,it works sometimes and sometimes not hence the api test cases fails. You can use either your apiendpoints or you can change the url in apiconfig to - https://mobilestore-c8yg.onrender.com