This project aims at helping IA enjoyers to create images Classification projects wtih a simple UI.
It ables anybody to create a clean working directory to start off your project, import your data and train models in minutes.
This UI is especially made for those who are not Keras professionals and still want to discover the magic behind CNN
You can easily install and test this application by cloning this repository via cmd or visual studio or You can just download as zip this repository.
Then just install the required modules by opening the cmd in the repository root and entering this command
pip install requirements.txt
If You do not have pip installed on your computer, download and run with Python this file
Once You are done with that, simply run with Python the file
- @Ant6508 : Currently studying in an engineering school in France
I will soon release a quick Youtube video to explain how to use the ui.
If you want to contribuate to this project by any means (coding , beta testing, improvement ideas), make sure to contact me by mail via that adress : Julien RONGERE