A Simple paginator powered by jQuery.
Simplest use:
Where #element_id has N elements inside.
- items: Total items. If not set to null the plugin will count the children. Default = null.
- tPages: Total pages. If not set to null the pluging will calculate. Default = null.
- itemsPerPage: Show N items per page. Default = 4
- autoCallPageFuncOnStart: Call the pagination function when started. Default = true.
- showMaxLinks: If not null only this amount of links will be shown. Default = 5.
- alwaysShowFirstAndLast: Always show the first and last page links (will only work if showMaxLinks is not null). Default = true.
- alwaysShowFirstAndLastSeperator: Default = '..'.
- placeHolder: By default the pagination will be added to the parent.
Set here where to place it if you want to change this behaviour. Default = null.
- currPage: Page to start with. Default 1
- container:Container for the pagination elements. Default = <div>.
- containerClass: Default = 'acsPaginator'.
- pageNumbersContainer:'<ul>'
- pageNumbersContainerChildren:'<li>'
- noPrevNextBtn: No < or > button. Default = false.
- prevBtn: Default = '<' (<).
- prevBtnClass: Default = ''.
- nextBtn: Default = '>' (>).
- nextBtnClass: Default = ''.
- continueOnOnePage: Create pagination elements if there are not enough elements. Default = false,
- pageActiveClass:Class for the element in the pagination container that represents the active page. Default = 'acsPageActive'.
- pageClass:'acsPage'
- delegateFunc:function (e,link,pPage,itensPerPage,currPage,items,tPages,showPage) { ... } Delegate function for the pagination links
- showPage:function (pPage,itensPerPage,currPage,items,tPages) { ... } Function that will show/hide the items. Must return the current page
- delegateClickPreventDefault: true
- delegateClickStopPropagation: true
- paginationUseCustomFormat Set to true to use custom format: Default: false
- paginationCustomFormat Custom format
Keywords to use:
%currPage% - Current Page
%total% - Total Pages
%prev% - Previous Page
%next% - Next Page