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AnveshNalimela committed Feb 3, 2024
2 parents 880663d + aedd2b6 commit c3bf6ae
Showing 1 changed file with 141 additions and 51 deletions.
192 changes: 141 additions & 51 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,80 +1,165 @@
this project is An Learning Management system application which build using the react on the node.js
many libaries and modules are used in these application.
postgres-SQL database used..
The Express.js application appears to be an online learning management system with user authentication, role-based access control, and features for both educators and students.This application serves as a comprehensive platform for educators to create courses, chapters, and pages, while students can enroll in courses, view content, and track completion progress.

This project was quite diffcuilt for me personally becaouse as a beginer i started learning node and express jsut from 2 months back
Technologies and Languages:

1.Node.js: A JavaScript runtime for server-side development.
2.Express.js: A web application framework for Node.js, simplifying the creation of web applications and APIs.
3.Sequelize: A promise-based Node.js ORM for relational databases (used for database operations).
4.Passport.js: An authentication middleware for Node.js.
5.Bcrypt.js: A library for hashing and salting passwords for secure storage.
6.EJS (Embedded JavaScript): A templating engine for rendering dynamic content in HTML pages.
7.Body-Parser: Middleware to parse incoming request bodies in a middleware before your handlers.

Project features
Any One New to App will land on index page which and info abt the application and signin and signup options will be displayed
if you are new to application can signup by providing name,email,password,role whether you are eductaor or student
Modules and Middleware:

if you signin into application you will land on your respective homepage
and signout by click an option in homepage
Educator homepage
![image]( Express middleware for handling sessions.
2.connect-ensure-login: Middleware for ensuring that a user is logged in. A flash message middleware for Express.
4.passport-local: Passport strategy for authenticating with a local username and password. Middleware to serve static files, such as CSS, images, and JavaScript files.
6.connect-flash: Used for storing temporary messages during redirects.
7.body-parser: Middleware to parse incoming request bodies. Middleware to parse URL-encoded bodies in requests. Middleware to parse JSON bodies in requests.

Database Models:

signout from application by clicking on signout icon on top left corner which takes you to signup page
redirects you to index page
1.User: Model for storing user information (name, email, password, role).
2.Course: Model for representing courses (name, description, created by).
3.Chapter: Model for chapters within courses.
4.Page: Model for pages within chapters.
5.Enrollment: Model for tracking course enrollments.
6.Completed: Model for tracking completed pages

user can change the password by clicking on change password icon beside signout icon which redirect you to password change page

after changing you are again redirect to index page again you have login to use application
Authentication and Sessions:

1.Passport.js: Used for local strategy authentication.
2.bcrypt.js: Utilized for password hashing and verification. Manages user sessions.

Eduacator can Add new Course
by providing the name and description of the courses it will redirect to courseindex page
Web Framework and Views:

Educator can Add new chapter assocaited with that courses in course page which look like this
Added chapters will displayed under course name and they are dynamic
1.Express.js: The main web application framework.
2.EJS: Templating engine for rendering views.

Educator can also add pages to respective chapter by clicking on the chapter and build pages inside the chapter
Educator can get back to Educator Homepage by cilcking on back to course index button

Educator can also view the course report and enrollment deatails assocaited with particular course
Database Interaction:

1.Sequelize: ORM for PostgreSQL, used for defining models and performing database operations.

Educator can view the list of courses created BY respective eduactor
Application Implementation
1.Landing Page of LMS Application
The landing page of the Learning Management System (LMS) is designed using HTML and Tailwind CSS.The landing page provides a welcoming introduction to the LMS, explaining its purpose and benefits. It encourages users to sign up if they don't have an account and provides a link for existing users to sign in. The design is clean, with a prominent system title, logo, and a user-friendly call-to-action section. The use of Tailwind CSS classes ensures a visually appealing and responsive layout.
The landing index page looks similar to below which Provide the user to sign in and sign up options for its user(ie students or educators)

Student can signup into application using role as student

student will land to Student Homepage
2.SignUp page of application
The signup page has a clean and user-friendly design, utilizing Tailwind CSS for styling. It includes input fields for name, email, password, and role, along with a signup button. The layout is responsive and visually appealing, providing a seamless signup experience for users.
The GET route renders the signup page, and the POST route handles user registration, including password hashing and user login. Upon successful signup, the user is redirected based on their role in the application.

student can view the list of courses avaliable in Avalibale courses list
and can enroll into the courses and view the courses by clicking into view course and land into course homepage

3.SignIn page
--The login page provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to enter their credentials, with feedback on any login errors.
--If there are any error messages, they are displayed prominently to inform users about the issues with their login attempt.
--Provides a form for users to enter credentials.
--Passport attempts to authenticate the user.
--If successful, users are redirected to their role-specific dashboard.
--If unsuccessful, users are redirected back to the login page with an error message.
--Redirects to the dashboard on successful login.

Student can able to enroll in the course by clicking on enroll course and it redirects to enrollment page

Student can view the list of enrolled courses

Student can start the course on clicing the start course which takes to course index page which have course details and chapters inside the course
Student can also view the Progress status in course index page to track the learning process

student can view the pages inside the particular chapter by clicking on respective page
Student are able to mark a page as Complete and complted pages are displayed on left side
4.Educator Dashboard page
Features of the Educator Homepage in a Learning Management System.
--It displays a welcome message with the educator's name and ID, along with an educator icon.
-- signOut button is likely used to log the user out of the Learning Management System.
--Change password button is likely used to allow the user to change their password within the Learning Management System.
--A form is provided for educators to create a new course.
--The form includes fields for the course name and description.
--Displays a list of created courses.
--Each course entry shows the course name.
--this page allows educators to manage their courses, create new courses, and access functionalities related to individual courses.
--Each created course have two buttons
--Educators should have access to reports that display the number of students enrolled in their course(s) and indicate their relative popularity based on enrollment numbers.
--Organize your course into chapters (like chapters in a book) for clear structure.


Live Link for Learning Management System here...!

5.Course Index for Educator Role
--Displays the course name and description.
--Includes a link to navigate back to the educator dashboard.
--Provides an option to add a new chapter to the course.
--Allows educators to add a new chapter to the course.
--Lists existing chapters with the option to add pages to each.
--Each chapter is displayed with its name and an option to add pages.

6.Chapter Index view for Educator Role
--This template page provides educators with a convenient interface to manage the pages within a specific chapter of their course.
--Allows the educator to navigate back to the course index page.
--Displays the chapter name and a list of pages within the chapter.
--Pages are listed with their names and content.
--Provides an "Edit Page" button for each page, linking to the page editing functionality.
--Allows educators to add a new page to the current chapter.
Form includes fields for page name and content.

7.Edit page view for Educator Role users

--This template provides an interface for educators to conveniently edit the content of a specific page within a chapter, and the changes are dynamically updated on the server.
--Displays the name of the page as the title.
--Provides a content editor with the current content of the page loaded.
--A button with the label "Save Changes" allows educators to save any modifications made to the page content.
--Allows users to navigate back to the chapter page containing the list of pages.

8.View Enrollment reports for Educatoos specific course

--Educators should have access to reports that display the number of students enrolled in their course(s) and indicate their relative popularity based on enrollment numbers.
--A link that allows educators to navigate back to the dashboard.
--Displays the course name, description, creator, and the number of enrollments.
--Includes a graphical representation of the enrollment percentage using a circular progress indicator.
--Presents a table showing details of enrolled students

9.Student Dashboard


--Displays a welcome message with the student's name and ID.
--Shows a student icon next to the personal information.
--Lists the courses in which the student is currently enrolled.
--For each enrolled course:
--Displays the course name.
--Provides an option to start the course with a "Start Course" button.
--For each available course:
--Displays the course name and description.
--Provides options to enroll in the course or view the course details with corresponding buttons.
--Enroll Course": Allows the student to enroll in the course.
--"View Course": Redirects the student to view details about the course.

10.View Course for Student Role users


--This HTML template seems to be designed for the "View Course" page, providing information about a specific course.
--Displays the course name and course description
--Shows a section listing the chapters of the course.
--Provides a button to enroll in the course.

11.Enrollment page of corresponding Course for Student Role Users

Live link of LMS application..

Expand All @@ -87,3 +172,8 @@

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