Host you own private hyperswarm DHT boostrap nodes as a nodejs daemon
This for the new api
npm install -g dht-bootstrap
$ dht-bootstrap --help
Usage: dht-bootstrap [options]
Host you own private hyperswarm DHT boostrap nodes as a nodejs daemon
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --ports [port...] atleast 2 ports to listen on (default: [])
-s, --status displays status
-h, --host <host> IP(local|external) or (sub)domain of your device, to use in other devices(NOT "" OR "") (default: "")
-k, --kill kills currently active bootstrap node
--help display help for command
$ dht-bootstrap # for default(random) or ports in status.json
$ dht-bootstrap --ports 49737 49738 --host
$ dht-bootstrap --ports 10001 10002 12234 --host
For now, the daemon process only allows one instance.
If you run another instance it will close the previous instance before starting the new instance.
just re-run it with the new ports
dht-bootstrap --ports .... ....