Backend for Build week Anywhere-Fitness-3-PTCT
Base URL =
Send a .post() to the endpoint with the following information.
Make sure you are sending data to the database as structured below:
"username": "newUser",
"password": "abc123"
Send a .post() to the endpoint with the following information:
Make sure you are sending data to the database as structured below:
"username": "user",
"password": "abc123"
You will receive a token back for authentication
Create | POST | /api/auth/login | {username(string)(unique) , password(string)} |
Create | POST | /api/auth/register | {username(string) , password(string) } |
When you send .post or .put to create or edit a class, send data to the API in the following structure:
"name": "The Night Cap",
"time": "20:30",
"date": "2021-11-24",
"duration": "45",
"type": "Yoga",
"intensity": "beginner",
"location": "Bikram Boston",
"capacity": 30,
"reservations": 15
Properties | Schema |
name | Not Required, if you don't fill it in, database will return null |
time | Required(string)(HH-MM) |
date | Required(string)(YYYY-MM-DD) |
duration | Required(string)(minutes) |
type | Required(string) |
intensity | Required(string) |
location | Required(string) |
capacity | Not Required(integer) |
reservations | Not Required(integer)(# of customers who have booked the class) |
CRUD | METHOD | ROUTE | Description |
Read | GET | /api/classes | get all classes |
Read | GET | /api/classes/:class_id | get one class by its id |
Create | POST | /api/classes | create new classes |
Update | PUT | /api/classes/:class_id | edit class information |
Delete | DELETE | /api/classes/:class_id | delete class by id |
- start: Runs the app in production.
- server: Runs the app in development.
- migrate: Migrates the local development database to the latest.
- rollback: Rolls back migrations in the local development database.
- seed: Truncates all tables in the local development database, feel free to add more seed files.
- test: Runs tests.
- deploy: Deploys the main branch to Heroku.
The following scripts NEED TO BE EDITED before using: replace YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME
- migrateh: Migrates the Heroku database to the latest.
- rollbackh: Rolls back migrations in the Heroku database.
- databaseh: Interact with the Heroku database from the command line using psql.
- seedh: Runs all seeds in the Heroku database.