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Releases: ApacheTech-Inactive-Repos/VintageMods

Environmental Tweaks v1.1.0

17 May 14:55
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A client-side mod made for content creators, and for people who suffer from epilepsy, or similar. This mod give you the option to remove all visual and audiable effects related to rain, hail, lightning, and snow; and completely removes involuntary camera shaking (for instance, when cold, or injured). These effects can be life-threatening for some people, and currently, the game has no way to disable the flashing lights and jittering camera effects... this mod changes that. Also removes the white noise sound effects of rain, and hail. as well as removing the ridiculously loud thunder sound effects.

Rain still falls, and snow still accumulates; only the dropping particles are removed. You'll still see rain splashes in water, and you'll still take damage from the cold.

COMMAND: .et | .envtweaks

Change settings for Environmental Tweaks.

Syntax: .et [settings|lightning|rain|hail|snow|sounds|shake] [on|off]

Example: .et shake off
Example: .envtweaks settings
Example: .et lightning on


Waypoint Extensions 1.4.0

09 May 20:54
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New Commands:

  • .gps: Broadcasts your current XYZ coordinates to the server, in the form of a chat message. Also copies your coordinates to the clipboard.

  • .wptl: Adds a waypoint to a fixed translocator, within five blocks of the player.

  • .wptp: Adds a waypoint to a teleporter block, within five blocks of the player.

New Features:

  • Options Menu (Default Key: F7): Allows the player to enable or disable automatic trader and translocator waypoint creation. When enabled, traders will get a waypoint when you enter their GUI. Translocators and Teleporters will get a waypoint when used.