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esbuild plugin for responsive images

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How to use


npm i -D @exact-realty/esbuild-plugin-responsive-images

Configuring esbuild

In the file you have your configuration, first import this plugin

const responsiveImages = require('@exact-realty/esbuild-plugin-responsive-images');

Or using ES module syntax:

import responsiveImages from '@exact-realty/esbuild-plugin-responsive-images';

Then, in your esbuild configuration, add responsiveImages() to the plugins list. Minimal example:

const esbuild = require('esbuild');
const responsiveImages = require('@exact-realty/esbuild-plugin-responsive-images');

await esbuild
		entryPoints: ['index.js'],
		outdir: 'build',
		bundle: true,
		format: 'cjs',
		plugins: [responsiveImages()],

Getting responsive images

In index.js, import your images like this:

const image = require('respimg+file:./your-image.png?sizes=12w,13w');

Note that the imported argument is treated as an URI and must follow the URI rules.

Supported arguments

  • sizes: Comma-separated list of width descriptors (###w) or pixel density descriptors (###x). It's not possible to mix descriptor types, and at least one descriptor must be given.
  • outputFormats: Comma-separated list of output formats. If not given, it defaults to the same as the input format.
  • displayWidth: For density descriptors, the intended display width. It defaults to 1024px and has no effect on width descriptors.


The import will return something like this:

	width: 200
	height: 133,
	originalWidth: 1333,
	originalHeight: 2000,
	src: '',
	sources: [
			' 200w, 300w'

The different values are intended to be used as follows:

src refers to the fallback image (the inner <img> element when using the <picture> element; otherwise, the src value of <img>), and width and height refer to the dimensions of this fallback image.

originalWidth and originalHeight refer to the dimensions of the original image. Like width and height, these could be helpful in certain situations where the aspect ratio is needed.

sources refers to the different srcset and type attributes for <source> elements (or the single srcset attribute of the <img> element if not using <picture>).

Thus, this could result in the following HTML:

	<!-- Note that there could be many <source> elements, one for each entry in the sources array -->
	<source type="image/png" srcset=" 200w, 300w" sizes="100%" />
	<img src="" alt="description" />

Since in this case there is a single source, it's possible to use an <img> element directly, without a <picture> container:

<img src="" alt="description" srcset=" 200w, 300w" sizes="100%" />