Welcome to the Quick Order Client Starter repository! This project is part of the Next Level Web Development course and provides a foundational setup for integrating the AmarPay payment system into a web application.
This project serves as a starter pack for implementing a payment system in web applications using AmarPay, specifically designed for educational purposes in advanced web development.
To get started with this project, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/Apollo-Level2-Web-Dev/quick-order-client-starter.git
Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd quick-order-client-starter
Install Dependencies:
Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed. Run the following command to install the required dependencies:
npm install
Run the Application:
Start the development server with:
npm run dev
Your application will be available at
└── vite.svg # Vite logo or asset used in the project
├── App.css # Global styles for the application
├── App.jsx # Main React component for the app
├── index.css # Additional global styles
├── main.jsx # Entry point for the React application
├── redux/ # Redux-related files
│ ├── api/ # API configuration and utilities
│ │ └── api.ts # API service definitions
│ ├── features/ # Redux slices and feature-specific logic
│ │ └── cartSlice.ts # Slice for cart state management
│ ├── hooks.ts # Custom Redux hooks
│ └── store.ts # Redux store configuration
├── routes/ # Route definitions for the application
│ └── index.tsx # Main routing setup
├── assets/ # Static assets like images
│ ├── logo.png # Project logo
│ └── react.svg # React logo or asset
├── components/ # Reusable React components
│ ├── Banner.tsx # Banner component
│ ├── Navbar.tsx # Navigation bar component
│ ├── Products.tsx # Products listing component
│ ├── CartDetails.tsx # Component displaying cart details
│ ├── OrderSummary.tsx # Order summary component
│ ├── Ratings.tsx # Ratings component
│ ├── Modal.tsx # Modal component
│ ├── ProductCard.tsx # Component for displaying a single product
│ └── layouts/ # Layout components
│ └── MainLayout.tsx # Main layout component for the app
├── data/ # Static data files
│ └── products.ts # Product data
├── pages/ # Page components or views
│ ├── Cart.tsx # Cart page component
│ ├── CheckOutPage.tsx # Checkout page component
│ └── Home.tsx # Home page component
└── declarations.d.ts # TypeScript declaration file for module types