Connect your go code with your LabVIEW code ! This module is a bridge between LabVIEW and Golang.
This module provide a solution to flatten and unflatten data from and to LabVIEW from a Golang project. For the moment it is a manual method. An improvement could be to use the reflection.
Example :
/* Calibration Struct
//Calibration struct
type Calibration struct {
CalA [][]float32
CalB [][]float32
Date float64
/* Calibration Struct Flatten & UnFlatten
// UnflattenFromByteSlice Calibration return rest of readed slice
func (cal *Calibration) UnflattenFromByteSlice(SliceToRead []byte) []byte {
var data interface{}
SliceToRead, data = golabview.Unflatten(SliceToRead, cal.CalA)
cal.CalA = data.([][]float32)
SliceToRead, data = golabview.Unflatten(SliceToRead, cal.CalB)
cal.CalB = data.([][]float32)
SliceToRead, data = golabview.Unflatten(SliceToRead, cal.Date)
cal.Date = data.(float64)
return SliceToRead
// FlattenToByteSlice Calibration and return writed size
func (cal Calibration) FlattenToByteSlice(sliceToWrite []byte) int {
var index int
index += golabview.Flatten(sliceToWrite[index:], cal.CalA)
index += golabview.Flatten(sliceToWrite[index:], cal.CalB)
index += golabview.Flatten(sliceToWrite[index:], cal.Date)
return index
This module provide a solution to convert Golang Time and LabView Time.
Example :
timestampDoubleTest := golabview.TimeToDouble(time.Now())
timestampTime := golabview.DoubleToTime(timestampDoubleTest)
timestampTimeRec := golabview.TimeToTimeRec(timestampTime)
timestampDouble := golabview.TimeRecToDouble(timestampTimeRec)
timestampTimeRec2 := golabview.DoubleToTimeRec(timestampDouble)
timestampTime2 := golabview.TimeRecToTime(timestampTimeRec2)
timestampDouble2 := golabview.TimeToDouble(timestampTime2)