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Albert Pinto edited this page Jul 16, 2021 · 1 revision

To display dialogues, we needed to load a state with the information to the fragment, which will use some extensions methods to show the dialogue. In this update, we have introduced the DialogManager, which has to be injected in the ViewModel constructor.

class SearchViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val searchRecipes: SearchRecipes,
    private val navManager: NavManager,
    private val dialogManager: DialogManager,
) : BaseViewModel() {
    // ...

Dialog data classes

We have defined two classes that accept the same parameters but with different types to display information within the dialogues. On the one hand, IntDialog accepts string resource ids as its parameters. On the other hand, LambdaDialog uses lambdas with the context as its parameter to determine the content to be displayed.

data class IntDialog(
    val title: Int,
    val message: Int,
    val positiveButtonText: Int = R.string.ok,
    val positiveButtonAction: (DialogInterface, Int) -> Unit = { dialog, _ -> dialog.dismiss() },
    val negativeButtonText: Int? = null,
    val negativeButtonAction: (DialogInterface, Int) -> Unit = { dialog, _ -> dialog.dismiss() },
    val neutralButtonText: Int? = null,
    val neutralButtonAction: (DialogInterface, Int) -> Unit = { dialog, _ -> dialog.dismiss() },
    val isCancelable: Boolean = true,
data class LambdaDialog(
    val title: (Context) -> String,
    val message: (Context) -> String,
    val positiveButtonText: (Context) -> String? = { null },
    val positiveButtonAction: (DialogInterface, Int) -> Unit = { dialog, _ -> dialog.dismiss() },
    val negativeButtonText: (Context) -> String? = { null },
    val negativeButtonAction: (DialogInterface, Int) -> Unit = { dialog, _ -> dialog.dismiss() },
    val neutralButtonText: (Context) -> String? = { null },
    val neutralButtonAction: (DialogInterface, Int) -> Unit = { dialog, _ -> dialog.dismiss() },
    val isCancelable: Boolean = true,


The DialogManager class contains some methods to display a dialogue. In addition, there are some methods to display a toast.

abstract fun showDialog(data: IntDialog)
abstract fun showDialog(data: LambdaDialog)
abstract fun showLoadingDialog()
abstract fun cancelLoadingDialog()
abstract fun toast(msg: String, duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
abstract fun toast(@StringRes msgId: Int, duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
abstract fun toast(duration: Int, msg: (Context) -> String)


To test the DialogManager, we need to use the same approach as we have done with NavManager.

private lateinit var navDirections: NavDirections

fun setUp() {
    dialogManager = mockk()
    every { dialogManager.showLoadingDialog() } returns Unit
    every { dialogManager.cancelLoadingDialog() } returns Unit

    // ...
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