This discord bot uses Govee's public http api to control a wifi-enabled Govee rgb device
- $on - To turn the device on
- $off - To turn the device off
- $state - To get the current state of the device (on/orr)
- $brightness N - Change the brightness of the device to N procent brightness
- $color R,G,B - To change the color of the device input requires 3 numbers (max. 255) separated by a comma (R= Red, G= Green, B= Blue), a list of a few example colors:
- 🔴Red: 255,0,0
- 🟠Orange: 255,165,0
- 🟡yellow: 255,255,0
- 🟢Green: 0,255,0
- 🔵Cyan: 173,216,230
- 🧿Blue: 0,0,255
- 🟣Purple: 128,0,128
- 🌸Pink: 255,20,147
- $random - Change the color of the ledstrip to a random color
This file should contain the following constants:
- DISCORDBOTTOKEN = 'your_discord_bot_token'
- API_KEY = 'your_govee_api_key'
- DEVICEMAC = 'your_govee_device_macaddress'
- DEVICEMODEL = 'your_devicemodel'
e.g 'H619E'
- BANNEDUSERS = [12345678987654321]
By default everyone can use the bot, only the users in this list with userids (separated by commas) are not permitted to use the bot.
- Rate limit on the bot side (not on the side of the discord channel, which server owners could bypass).