A post-apocalpyse, steampunk Victoria 3 mod, inspired by The Peshawar Lancers and Frostpunk.
This mod is extremely work in progress.
This project uses an Obsidian Vault to centralize various notes, information, background research, and general design ideas.
The Vault has it's own adjacent repository, which can be found here: From-the-Ashes-Obsidian
The best way would be to first have a look at the 📄 Contribution guide, the quickest way would be to check the issues which are labelled has ❕ help wanted or ❗ help needed, and then just dive in with forking the repo and opening a pull request, or alternatively message Araxiel..
It's only me, Araxiel, the person behind the slightly succesful Sanguinem et Lacrimas
mod for Hearts of Iron 4 from many years ago, and the Canal Dividends Mod
for Vic3
Easiest way to contact me is through Discord; Araxiel.