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Arch-CLI is a command-line interface tool designed to streamline the development process for Arch Network applications. It provides a set of commands to initialize, manage, and deploy Arch Network programs efficiently.


Before using Arch-CLI, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Docker (latest stable version)
  • Docker Compose (latest stable version)
  • Node.js (version 19 or higher)
  • Solana CLI (latest stable version)
  • Rust and Cargo (latest stable version)

These tools are essential for running the development environment and building Arch Network applications.


  • Easy project initialization
  • Development server management with Docker integration
  • Simplified deployment process for both regtest and mainnet environments
  • Integration with the Arch Network ecosystem
  • Bitcoin regtest network setup for local development
  • Distributed Key Generation (DKG) process initiation
  • Send coins functionality for testing
  • Frontend application management and launching
  • Account creation and management
  • Configuration viewing and editing


To install Arch-CLI, make sure you have met all the prerequisites mentioned above. Then, run:

git clone
cd arch-cli
cargo install --path .


Before using Arch-CLI, you need to set up a config.toml file. By default, the CLI will look for this file in the following locations:

  • Linux: ~/.config/arch-cli/config.toml
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/arch-cli/config.toml
  • Windows: C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\arch-cli\config.toml

If the configuration file is not found, a default configuration file will be created automatically using the config.default.toml template.

You can also specify a custom configuration file location by setting the ARCH_CLI_CONFIG environment variable:

export ARCH_CLI_CONFIG=/path/to/your/config.toml

Here's an example configuration:

type = "development"  # Options: development, testnet, mainnet

docker_compose_file = "./bitcoin-docker-compose.yml"
network = "regtest"
rpc_endpoint = "http://localhost:18443"
rpc_port = "18443"
rpc_user = "bitcoin"
rpc_password = "password"
rpc_wallet = "devwallet"

docker_compose_file = "./arch-docker-compose.yml"
leader_rpc_endpoint = "http://localhost:8080"
network_mode = "development"
rust_log = "info"
rust_backtrace = "1"
bootnode_ip = ""
leader_p2p_port = "9000"
leader_rpc_port = "8080"
validator1_p2p_port = "9001"
validator1_rpc_port = "8081"
validator2_p2p_port = "9002"
validator2_rpc_port = "8082"
bitcoin_rpc_endpoint = "http://localhost:18443"
bitcoin_rpc_wallet = "devwallet"
replica_count = "3"

key_path = "src/app/keys/program.json"

By following these steps, you ensure that your CLI can be run from any location and still correctly locate and load its configuration files on Windows, macOS, and Linux.


Here are the main commands available in Arch-CLI:

Initialize a new project

arch-cli init

This command sets up a new Arch Network project with the necessary folder structure, boilerplate code, and Docker configurations.

Manage the development server

arch-cli server start
arch-cli server stop
arch-cli server status
arch-cli server logs [<service>]

These commands start, stop, check the status of, and view logs for the development environment, including the Bitcoin regtest network and Arch Network nodes.

Deploy a program

arch-cli deploy [--directory <path>] [--program-key <path>]

Compiles and deploys the specified program to the Arch Network.

Clean up the environment

arch-cli project clean

Removes generated files and Docker volumes for a fresh start.

Start Distributed Key Generation (DKG) process

arch-cli dkg start

Initiates the Distributed Key Generation process on the Arch Network.

Send coins (for testing)

arch-cli bitcoin send-coins --address <address> --amount <amount>

Sends the specified amount of coins to the given address on the Bitcoin Regtest network.

Manage the frontend application

arch-cli frontend start

Prepares and starts the frontend application, opening it in the default browser.

Manage accounts

arch-cli account create [--program-id <program_id>]

Creates an account for the dApp, prompts for funding, and transfers ownership to the specified program.

Manage configuration

arch-cli config view
arch-cli config edit
arch-cli config reset

These commands allow you to view, edit, and reset the configuration file.

Getting Started with the Demo App

To quickly set up and run the demo application, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize the project:

    arch-cli init
  2. Start the development server:

    arch-cli server start
  3. Deploy your application:

    arch-cli deploy
  4. Create an account for your dApp:

    arch-cli account create
  5. Start the frontend application:

    arch-cli frontend start

By following these steps in order, you'll have a fully functional demo Arch Network application running locally.

Project Structure

After initialization, your project will have the following structure:

├── src/
│   └── app/
│       ├── program/
│       │   └── src/
│       │       └──
│       ├── backend/
│       │   ├── index.ts
│       │   └── package.json
│       ├── frontend/
│       │   ├── index.html
│       │   ├── index.js
│       │   ├── package.json
│       │   └── .env.example
│       └── keys/
├── Cargo.toml
├── config.toml
├── bitcoin-docker-compose.yml
└── arch-docker-compose.yml


To set up the development environment:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd arch-cli
  2. Build the project:
    cargo build
  3. Run tests:
    cargo test


  • If you encounter issues with Docker networks, try running arch-cli project clean to remove existing volumes and networks.
  • Ensure your Docker daemon is running before using arch-cli server start.
  • Check the config.toml file for correct configuration of RPC endpoints and credentials.
  • If you encounter issues with the DKG process, ensure that all nodes are properly configured and connected.
  • For frontend issues, make sure all npm dependencies are correctly installed and that the .env file is properly set up.


If you encounter any problems or have any questions, please open an issue in the GitHub repository.


  • Arch Network team for the core infrastructure
  • The Rust community for excellent tools and libraries
  • Bitcoin Core and Electrs projects for Bitcoin node and Electrum server implementations