Idea behind this project to create a minimalistic todo app with least amount of clutter with latest technologies. Only has priority setting, input field for todo, complete and delete.
In order to run the you need couple of api keys. Create a .env file with these configs in it:
For DB, you can use PlanetScale and create Mysql instance, and, for the Clerk just copy the keys to .env file. Finally,
npm run dev
You may need to configure the auth options in Clerk - gives lots of options like magic link, password, social logins etc... By the way, if you are deploying on Vercel, don't forget to add secrets to Vercel as well.
- tRPC
- NextJS
- Typescript
- PlanetScale
- Prisma
- ChakraUI and Clerk
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me or feel free to open up an issue.