A repository that contains all my Java programs in the given directories. You are free to learn or use the programs.
To contribute to this repository:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a branch with the name: (username)-(program). [Eg: octocat-binarysearch].
- Add your commits (if possible follow the conventional commit guidelines).
- Send in a Pull Request.
- (Optional) Request for review.
Filename | Description | Visit | Download |
HelloWorld.java | Print "Hello World" | ⬇️ | |
GreetUser.java | Get username and greet the user | ⬇️ | |
MultiplicationTable.java | Print multiplication of number x from 1 to given limit | ⬇️ | |
Fibonacci.java | Print the fibonacci series upto n terms | ⬇️ | |
PrimeChecker.java | Check whether a number is prime or not | ⬇️ | |
PrimeGenerator.java | Generate prime numbers upto n terms | ⬇️ | |
Power.java | Calculate the value of x^y using pre defined java methods | ⬇️ | |
ArmstrongNumber.java | Check whether a number is an armstrong number or not | ⬇️ | |
RandomNumber.java | Generate a random number with the given min and max limit | ⬇️ |
Filename | Description | Visit | Download |
RightTriangle1.java | Print Right Angle Triangle (Basic pattern program) | ⬇️ | |
RightTriangle2.java | Print Right Angle Triangle with even and odd row variation | ⬇️ |
Filename | Description | Visit | Download |
Fibonacci.java | Print fibonacci series using a recursive method | ⬇️ | |
Factorial.java | Print factorial of a number using a recursive method | ⬇️ | |
SumNaturalNum.java | Print the sum of first n-natural numbers using a recursive method | ⬇️ |
Filename | Description | Visit | Download |
Euclidean GCD | Calculate gcd using Euclidean algorithm | ⬇️ |
More Programs will be added soon
Last but not least, I am happy to welcome any contributions in the form of bug fixes (if any), some java codes, documentation work or anything else.
Make sure to STAR this repository, it will help you someday 😉.