NOTE, this library is no longer supported. If you are a Because Learning / Ardusat customer please contact for current data logging support.
The Ardusat Logging SDK is a software package designed to make logging the data from the sensors found in the Ardusat Space Kit as easy as possible. It requires the Ardusat SDK to be installed as well.
Installing the SDK is easy - it works like any other third party Arduino library. Just download the SDK or clone this repository to your hard drive, then open the Arduino IDE, go to 'Sketch -> Import Library -> Add Library' and navigate to your download (zip file or the directory cloned with git). You now should be able to use the SDK in your sketches.
The first step to using the SDK is to import it into your sketch. But make sure to also import the main ArdusatSDK. This can be done with two simple import statements:
#include <ArdusatSDK.h>
#include <ArdusatLogging.h>
After the SDK is imported, the basic I/O functions and sensor drivers should be available.
SoftwareSerial does not appear to work reliably above 57600 baud.
Data can be logged to an SD card to allow gathering data without an active connection to a computer. To do this, an external SD card adapter breakout board is required; these are available from Adafruit and SparkFun. These boards use an SPI protocol that uses digital pins 11, 12, and 13 on most Arduinos, and additionally requires a configurable "chip select" pin that is often pin 10.
External SD Breakout Wiring
SD Breakout Pin | Arduino Pin |
CLK | DIO13 |
DO | DIO12 |
DI | DIO11 |
CS | DIO10 |
If using the SparkFun SD Shield, chip select (CS
) is
set to Arduino pin 8, rather than pin 10, so sketches must reflect that (see below)
The exact SD cards supported might vary from board to board, but most should support MicroSD and MicroSDHC cards formatted in FAT32 (or FAT16) formats.
In order to log SD data, the function beginDataLog
must be called. beginDataLog
has three
bool beginDataLog(int chipSelectPin, const char *fileNamePrefix, bool logCSVData)
The chip select pin argument must correspond to the pin connected to CS on the SD breakout board.
specifies the filename to be used for data log files. Log files will be placed in a
subdirectory /DATA
on the SD card with sequential filenames up to 8 characters long (any longer
filename will be truncated as appropriate). Thus log files will be /DATA/MYLOGFI0.CSV
, followed by /DATA/MYLOGF10.CSV
, etc. Finally, the logCSVData
specifies whether binary-format data logging (more space efficient, but must be decoded before use)
or CSV format (can be read by a wide variety of software, but takes up more space) will be used.
Binary formatted logs end in .BIN
, CSV formatted logs end in .CSV
. beginDataLog
will return
if the log system was started successfully, false
If a Real Time Clock (RTC) chip is connected to the Arduino and set properly, it can be used to
"date" a log file based on wall clock time rather than internal Arduino time using millis()
. To do
this, use the logRTCTimestamp
or binaryLogRTCTimestamp
functions to write out a line/packet to
the log file that has both the RTC time in seconds since 1/1/1970 and the current millis()
(milliseconds since the Arduino rebooted). Since all subsequent values log milliseconds since the
Arduino started (again, using millis()
), this offset line can be used to translate these
relative timestamps into absolute datetimes. The RTC chip used is the DS1307, and should be wired up
on the I2C bus using SDA
and SCL
After the logging system is started, the logX
and binaryLogX
functions can be used to
actually log the binary data much like the ToJSON
and ToCSV
functions listed above. Binary and
CSV formats are described below.
CSV data will be logged exactly as output from ToCSV
functions appear on the Serial output
display. The format is: timestamp (ms),sensorName,values
. Note that unless a real time clock chip
is used, the Arduino has no ability to know the actual time, so timestamp
will be the time in MS
since the Arduino chip was started.
If you have a custom sketch that includes data which doesn't fit into any of the ArdusatSDK-provided
data structures, two convenience functions valueToCSV
and valuesToCSV
are provided to format
generic float
values into CSV strings. valueToCSV
logs a single float
to the CSV string,
while valuesToCSV
logs an array of strings. The output of these functions can be given to the
function to log the data to an SD card. Both toCSV
functions take an optional
argument - if this is not provided, the current time will be added to the CSV string
using the millis()
Usage example:
float mySingleValue;
typedef struct {
float myValue1;
float myValue2;
float myValue3;
} myValues_t;
myValues_t myValues;
mySingleValue = someMeasurementFunction();
long currTime = millis();
myValues.myValue1 = someOtherMeasurementFunction();
myValues.myValue2 = another();
myValues.myValue3 = thirdMeasurementFunction();
logString(valueToCSV("first_sensor", mySingleValue, currTime));
logString(valuesToCSV("my_vector_data", (float *) &myValues, 3));
The binary data format allows data to be logged with less space on the SD card, enabling more data
to be logged in the same space allotment. However, these binary data stamps must be decoded before
they can be used by external data programs. To do this, a simple Python-based utility,
has been provided with the SDK. On Mac OS X and Linux systems, Python should be
installed already, but might need to be upgraded for pre Python 2.5 versions (fairly uncommon). On
Windows, Python must be installed before the script can be used - go to
Python Downloads to download an installer or newer version of
Python. We will also be adding conversion support on the Ardusat website at some point.
Once Python is installed, the utility can be used (run python ./ --help
for usage
information) to translate the binary data into regular CSV data with the format. If no output path
is given, the output path will default to the filename of the binary file, saved to the current
working directory. usage options
>> python ./ --help
usage: [-h] [-o,--output-file OUTPUT_FILE]
Decodes a binary data file created using the ArdusatSDK.
positional arguments:
input_file Binary data file to decode
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o,--output-file OUTPUT_FILE
CSV file to write decoded data to
-s,--stop-on-error Stop decoding if unexpected bytes encountered
Decode a binary data file (Mac OS X/Linux)
>> python ./ -o my_data.csv MYDATA0.BIN
Decoding MYDATA0.BIN (24516 bytes) and saving data to my_data.csv...
Finished decoding MYDATA0.BIN, saved 1362 data observations to my_data.csv
Decode a binary data file (Windows)
>> C:\Python27\python.exe C:\ArdusatSDK\ -o C:\ArdusatSDK\my_data.csv
Decoding C:\ArdusatSDK\MYDATA0.BIN (24516 bytes) and saving data to C:\ArdusatSDK\my_data.csv...
Finished decoding C:\ArdusatSDK\MYDATA0.BIN, saved 1362 data observations to C:\ArdusatSDK\my_data.csv
The actual data format for each time of data is described below, along with the number of bytes for each reading, which can be used to calculate the total amount of space required by data.
Every data log has an identical header that identifies the sensor, the type of sensor, and the timestamp the measurement was taken.
unsigned char type;
unsigned char id;
unsigned long timestamp;
After this header, the length of the data structure depends on the type of data. Data is written using 4 byte floating point format.
header (6 bytes)
float x;
float y;
float z;
header (6 bytes)
float x;
float y;
float z;
header (6 bytes)
float x;
float y;
float z;
header (6 bytes)
float temp;
header (6 bytes)
float lux;
header (6 bytes)
float uv;
See examples/sd_card/sd_card.ino
for a usage example.
If you're having trouble running the examples, chances are something is messed up with the external library locations in your Arduino IDE. Double check that the ArdusatLogging library is imported into your Arduino libraries (Sketch -> Import Libraries -> Contributed). If the sketches are compiling and uploading but not behaving as expected, make sure you double check your wiring, it's always easy to accidentally plug something in wrong!
If you get really stuck, feel free to reach out at, or the "Issues" section of this repository.