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MVP List

Arebiter edited this page Nov 12, 2021 · 11 revisions

MVP List

This is a clone of TeaWithStrangers - a social media application for making gatherings with people interested in making conversation and listening to others while enjoying a good cup of tea

  1. Hosting on Heroku
  2. User auth and account creation - 2-3 days
  • users should be able to sign up, sign in, log out
  • users can only use the main functionality of the app after signing in - joining/hosting a teatime
  • without logging in, users can search for teatimes
  1. Teatimes - 2-3 days
  • logged in users can join available teatimes
  • users can view available teatimes
  • logged in users can host a tea time
  • hosts are able to create, update, delete teatimes (CRUD)
  • will need a lot of datetime/scheduling work
  1. Cities - 2 days
  • filters available TeaTimes by the host's city
  • Users can click on a city in the given list of cities - available cities depend on hosted TeaTimes
  1. Users profile - 3 days
  • lists events logged in user has joined/hosted
  • gives the ability to edit user information
  • shows reviews left by other users, if the current user is a host
  1. Host Reviews - 2 days
  • users can review hosts - leaving a rating and written review
  • rating will be shown alongside any host's teatimes
  • users will be able to create, update, and delete reviews - CRUD
  1. Production README - 0.5days


  1. Map
  • add a google maps API to show the location of teatimes
  1. Calendar view
  • show teatimes for any users as a calendar view
  • block off times for any teatimes the user is attending
  • include teatimes the user is not attending - giving the option to join those teatimes
  1. CSS
  • add more graphic elements to the site - revolving gallery at top, behind the site's tagline
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