Let me introduce myself 👦
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Bots and Websites. Sometimes I try to work on some short personal projects of mine.
- 🎨 Hobby: I'm all about music, tech, and Minecraft PvP. Dreaming of owning a guitar while I dive into epic battles in the pixelated world 🐧 I love tech-related stuff whether it could be 📱 or 💻 related stuff although I have decent knowledge regarding 💻
- 🔆 Special quality:
🔰 Lazy
🔰 Problem Solving
🔰 Tech Enthusiast
🔰 Innovative
- Learning Backend 💻 Development.
- Learning some editing with After Effects
- Looking forward to taking an App Development 📲 course in the future.
- 🔜
Since I have lots of spare time ⌚ , I decided to take this time to focus on feeding more knowledge 📚 myself. I set a couple of self-challenges to push myself more further.🏃
- Learn to code:man_technologist: with no distraction ( One or two days off a week. )
- Read 📰 Dev and UI articles daily
- Avoid spending too much time on YouTube Entertainment ☠️
- 🔜