- Memulai project
- Instalasi Django
python pip install django psycopg2
- atau jika mempunyai file requirements gunakan :
pip install -r requirements.dev.txt
- Membuat project
django-admin startproject config
mv config django
--> rename root agar jadi 'django' agar ndak bingung
- Instalasi Django
- Instalasi di lokal
- instal postgreSQL.exe
- login sebagai super user: psql -U postgres -h localhost
- \du -> untuk melihat data user saat ini
- Mengatur User/pass, Hak akses, membuat DB.
- Konfigurasi setting database
- django/config/settings.py
- Tentukan engine = postgres (defaultnya sqlite)
- Tentukan name, user, pass, host, port
- Pastikan konfigurasi diatas sesuai dengan data waktu instalasi Postgres
- Pendahuluan
- Models = Menyimpan dan mengambil data dari database
- Views = memproses HTTP requests, mengolah operasi pada models, mengembalikan HTTP responses
- Templates = Tampilan body respon
- Struktur app
- Saat ini folder 'django' sebagai folder config
- di dalam django, kita bisa install app berapapun jumlahnya
- selanjutnya kita buat 'core'
- Membuat core app
cd django
python manage.py startapp core
- django/manage.py, tambahkan 'core' pada INSTALLED_APP
- Membuat models – Movie()
- django/core/models.py
- buat
class Movie
, code:
- Migrasi the database
- Menerapkan model database core:
cd django
python manage.py makemigrations core
python manage.py migrate core
- Cek data tabel pada postgres (login sbg user 'aris') --> mymdb=> \dt
python manage.py migrate
- Membuat postingan ke database
- cd django
- python manage.py shell
- post:
from core.models import Movie sleuth = Movie.objects.create( title='Sleuth', plot='An snobbish writer who loves games' ' invites his wife\'s lover for a battle of wits.', year=1972, runtime=138, ) sleuth.id 1 sleuth.get_rating_display() 'NR - Not Rated'
- Membuat admin
- django/core/admin.py
- Register 'Movie Model' sebagai data awal yang diolah di admin panel :
from django.contrib import admin from core.models import Movie admin.site.register(Movie)
- Membuat superuser untuk admin
cd django python manage.py createsuperuser
- login, masuk sebaai superuser
- Membuat MovieList()
- class ini akan menggenerate view sederhana dari model Movie
- django/core/views.py
- code:
from django.views.generic import ListView from core.models import Movie class MovieList(ListView): model = Movie
- templates akan otomatis dipanggil ketika view sudah terbentuk minimal 1 method as_view()
- core/templates/core
- template – movie_list.html
- django/core/templates/core/movie_list.html
- code:
- django/core/urls.py
- path: localhost/movies --> menampilkan views.MovieList()
- django/config/urls.py
- path: localhost/admin
- path: localhost/ --> core/urls
- Running the development server
- cd django
- python manage.py runserver
Creating the MovieDetail view
Creating the movie_detail.html template
Adding MovieDetail to core.urls.py
A quick review of the section
- Updating MovieList.html to extend base.html
- Setting the order
- Adding pagination
- 404 – for when things go missing
- Testing our view and template
- Adding a model with relationships 44
- Different types of relationship fields 45
- Director – ForeignKey 45
- Writers – ManyToManyField 47
- Role – ManyToManyField with a through class 47
- Adding the migration 48
- Creating a PersonView and updating MovieList 49
- Creating a custom manager – PersonManager 49
- Creating a PersonDetail view and template 51
- Creating MovieManager 53
- A quick review of the section 53
- Creating a new Django app 56
- Creating a user registration view 56
- Creating the RegisterView template 58
- Adding a path to RegisterView 60
- Logging in and out 61
- Updating user URLConf 61
- Creating a LoginView template 62
- A successful login redirect 63
- Creating a LogoutView template 63
- A quick review of the section
- Creating the Vote model
- Creating VoteForm
- Creating voting views
- Adding VoteForm to MovieDetail
- Creating the CreateVote view
- Creating the UpdateVote view
- Adding views to core/urls.py
- A quick review of the section
- Using MovieManager to calculate Movie score
- Updating MovieDetail and template
- Configuring file upload settings 78
- Creating the MovieImage model 80
- Creating and using the MovieImageForm 81
- Updating movie_detail.html to show and upload - - images 83
- Writing the MovieImageUpload view 84
- Routing requests to views and files 85
- A1 injection 87
- A2 Broken Authentication and Session Management 88
- A3 Cross Site Scripting 88
- A4 insecure direct object references 89
- A5 Security misconfiguration 89
- A6 Sensitive data exposure 90
- A7 Missing function level access control 90
- A8 Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) 90
- A9 Using components with known vulnerabilities 91
- A10 Unvalidated redirects and forwards 91
- Creating MovieManager.top_movies() 93
- Creating the TopMovies view 94
- Creating the top_movies_list.html template 95
- Adding a path to TopMovies 96
- Using the Django Debug Toolbar 97
- Using Logging 98
- Application Performance Management 99
- A quick review of the section 99
- Examining the trade-offs between Django cache backends 100
- Examining Memcached trade-offs 100
- Examining dummy cache trade-offs 101
- Examining local memory cache trade-offs 101
- Examine file-based cache trade-offs 102
- Examining database cache trade-offs 103
- Configuring a local memory cache 103
- Caching the movie list page 104
- Creating our first mixin CachePageVaryOnCookieMixin 105
- Using CachePageVaryOnCookieMixin with MovieList 107
- Caching a template fragment with {% cache %} 107
- Using the cache API with objects 109
- Splitting requirements files 112
- Splitting settings file 112
- Creating common_settings.py 113
- Creating dev_settings.py 113
- Creating production_settings.py 115
- Starting our Dockerfile 118
- Installing packages in Dockerfile 119
- Collecting static files in Dockerfile 119
- Adding Nginx to Dockerfile 120
- Configuring Nginx 121
- Creating Nginx runit service 122
- Adding uWSGI to the Dockerfile 122
- Configuring uWSGI to run MyMDB 122
- Creating the uWSGI runit service 123
- Finishing our Dockerfile 124
- Signing up for AWS 126
- Setting up the AWS environment 126
- Creating the file upload bucket 127
- Tracing environment variables 130
- Running Docker Compose locally 131
- Installing Docker 131
- Using Docker Compose 131
- Starting the Docker EC2 VM 134
- Shutting down the Docker EC2 VM 135
- Creating the Question model 140
- Creating the Answer model 141
- Creating migrations 142
- Creating base.html 143
- Ask question form 146
- Creating AskQuestionView 147
- Creating ask.html 148
- Installing and configuring Markdownify 150
- Installing and configuring Django Crispy Forms 151
- Routing requests to AskQuestionView 152
- A quick review of the section 153
- Creating Answer forms 154
- Creating AnswerForm 154
- Creating AnswerAcceptanceForm 155
- Creating QuestionDetailView 156
- Creating question_detail.html 157
- Creating the display_question.html common template 157
- Creating list_answers.html 158
- Creating the post_answer.html template 160
- Routing requests to the QuestionDetail view 160
- Creating create_answer.html 162
- Routing requests to CreateAnswerView 163
- Creating DailyQuestionList view 164
- Creating the daily question list template 165
- Routing requests to DailyQuestionLists 166
- Using Django's LoginView and LogoutView 169
- Creating RegisterView 170
- Starting an Elasticsearch server with docker 174
- Configuring Answerly to use Elasticsearch 175
- Creating the Answerly index 176
- Creating the Elasticsearch service 176
- Creating a manage.py command 179
- Creating a search function 181
- Creating the SearchView 182
- Creating the search template 183
- Updating the base template 185
- Upserting into Elasticsearch 187
- Creating a UserFactory 196
- Creating the QuestionFactory 198
- Setting up Selenium 204
- Testing with a live Django server and Selenium 204
- Splitting our requirements file 209
- Splitting our settings file 210
- Creating common_settings.py 210
- Creating dev_settings.py 211
- Creating production_settings.py 211
- Installing required packages 213
- Configuring Elasticsearch 214
- Installing Elasticsearch 214
- Running Elasticsearch 215
- Creating the database 216
- Creating the virtual host config 217
- Updating wsgi.py to set environment variables 219
- Creating the environment config file 220
- Migrating the database 220
- Collecting static files 221
- Enabling the Answerly virtual host 222
- A quick review of the section 222
- Factor 1 – Code base 224
- Factor 2 – Dependencies 224
- Factor 3 – Config 225
- Factor 4 – Backing services 225
- Factor 5 – Build, release, and run 226
- Factor 6 – Processes 226
- Factor 7 – Port binding 227
- Factor 8 – Concurrency 227
- Factor 9 – Disposability 228
- Factor 10 – Dev/prod parity 228
- Factor 11 – Logs 229
- Factor 12 – Admin processes 229
- A quick review of the section 230
- Listing our Python dependencies 232
- Creating our Django project and apps 232
- Creating our app's URLConfs 233
- Installing our project's apps 235
- Creating the MailingList model 236
- Creating the Subscriber model 238
- Creating the Message model 239
- Configuring the database 241
- Creating database migrations 241
- Running database migrations 242
- Creating the Subscriber form 243
- Creating the Message Form 244
- Creating the MailingList form 245
- Common resources 247
- Creating a base template 247
- Configuring Django Crispy Forms to use Bootstrap 4 251
- Creating a mixin to check whether a user can use the mailing list 251
- Creating MailingList views and templates 252
- Creating the MailingListListView view 253
- Creating the CreateMailingListView and template 255
- Creating the DeleteMailingListView view 257
- Creating MailingListDetailView 259
- Creating Subscriber views and templates 261
- Creating SubscribeToMailingListView and template 262
- Creating a thank you for subscribing view 264
- Creating a subscription confirmation view 265
- Creating UnsubscribeView 266
- Creating Message Views 268
- Creating CreateMessageView 268
- Creating the Message DetailView 272
- Creating the login template 275
- Creating the user registration view 276
- Creating the base HTML email template 279
- Creating EmailTemplateContext 279
- Configuring email settings 281
- Creating the send email confirmation function 282
- Creating the HTML confirmation email template 284
- Creating the text confirmation email template 285
- Sending on new Subscriber creation 286
- A quick review of the section 287
- Installing celery 288
- Configuring Celery settings 289
- Creating a task to send confirmation emails 290
- Sending emails to new subscribers 292
- Starting a Celery worker 293
- A quick review of the section 293
- Getting confirmed subscribers 294
- Creating the SubscriberMessage model 295
- Creating SubscriberMessages when a message is created 297
- Sending emails to subscribers 298
- Using a TestCase mixin to patch tasks 302
- Using patch with factories 304
- Choosing between patching strategies 306
- Installing the Django REST framework 308
- Configuring the Django REST Framework 308
- Creating MailingList API views 315
- Listing MailingLists by API 316
- Editing a mailing list via an API 317
- Creating a Subscriber API 318
- Listing and Creating Subscribers API 319
- Updating subscribers via an API 321
- Separating our requirements files 328
- Creating common, development, and production settings 329
- Accepting parameters in a CloudFormation template 333
- Listing resources in our infrastructure 334
- Adding Security Groups 335
- Adding a Database Server 336
- Adding a Queue for Celery 338
- Creating a Role for Queue access 339
- Outputting our resource information 341
- Executing our template to create our resources 341
- Installing Packer 345
- Creating a script to create our directory structure 345
- Creating a script to install all our packages 345
- Configuring Apache 346
- Configuring Celery 348
- Creating the environment configuration files 350
- Making a Packer template 351
- Running Packer to build an Amazon Machine Image 356
- Creating an SSH key pair 357
- Creating the web servers CloudFormation template 358
- Accepting parameters in the web worker CloudFormation template 358
- Creating Resources in our web worker CloudFormation template 359
- Outputting resource names 362
- Creating the Mail Ape 1.0 release stack 363
- SSHing into a Mail Ape EC2 Instance 365
- Creating and migrating our database 366
- Releasing Mail Ape 1.0 368
- Scaling up and down with update-stack 368