Final 42 project Create a website with real-time multiplayer online game and online chat
Links to team resources :
Run on docker:
docker-compose up --build
For let it running in local: change file .env POSTGRES_HOST
docker-compose up --build -d
docker stop backend
cd backend-nest
npm install
(only the first time)
npm run start:dev
(running for development, the server will look for changes in the code and restart automatically)
npm run start:prod
(running for production)
How to Run Prisma
Ensure you installed the prisma CLI and prisma client
(on the cluster machines, install them locally for we do not have global permissions)
npm i -D prisma
npm i -g @prisma/client
-g = global installation
-D = local installation
Each Time you make a change to the .schema
file, run
npx prisma generate
npx prisma migrate dev (only if you are working locally)
Create a .env
file in your prisma directory
with this environment variable if local execution
with this environment variable if containerized execution