What's Changed
- docs: add images and features to README by @mikeldking in #637
- fix: floor datetime to minute by @RogerHYang in #638
- fix: add try except for pd.NaT by @RogerHYang in #639
- fix: remove uniqueness requirement on dimension roles by @RogerHYang in #640
- docs: llm summarization notebook by @axiomofjoy in #641
- docs: break up quickstart and update notebooks by @axiomofjoy in #642
- fix: add tests by @RogerHYang in #644
- docs: add mailing list link to readme by @axiomofjoy in #647
- docs: sync 04-24-2023 by @mikeldking in #646
Full Changelog: v0.0.16...v0.0.17